guàn tōng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.have a thorough knowledge (of); understand thoroughly; be well versed in

    • tā shì tú jiāng lì shǐ zhī shi yǔ dì lǐ zhī shi guàn tōng qǐ lai


      He tried to correlate the knowledge of history with that of geography.

  • 2

    v.connect; cut-through; holing; thread together

    • wǔ hàn cháng jiāng dà qiáo xiū chéng hòu jīng guǎng tiě lù quán xiàn guàn tōng


      The Beijing-Guangzhou Railway has been linked up with the completion of the Yangtze River Bridge at Wuhan.

    • dà yùn hé guàn tōng nán běi


      The Grand Canal connects north and south.

    • gāo sù gōng lù yǐ jīng quán xiàn guàn tōng


      The expressway has been completely joined linked up.