
Initial:jVideo guide
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Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.fmllead; command (troops)

    • jiàng bīng

      lead the soldiers

  • 2

    n.fml(in a broad sense) military officer; commander; high-ranking officer

    • shào jiàng

      major general

  • 3


    • dà jiàng

      senior general

    • liáng jiàng

      a good general

Words and phrases with 将

  • 将棋
    [word]Japanese chess
  • 将门
    [word]family of a general
  • 将校呢
    [word]a kind of thick woolen fabric
  • 将校
    [word]generals and field officers; high-ranking military officers
  • 将令
    [word]military order
  • 将才
    [word]ability to lead or command troops; person with military talent
  • 将相
    [word]military and political leaders
  • 将领
  • 将帅
    [word]high-ranking commander
  • 将门有将
    [idiom]like produces like
  • 将门虎子
    [idiom]a capable young man of distinguished parentage
  • 将门出将
    [idiom]a general comes from a general's family
  • 将遇良材
    [idiom]find one's own match
  • 将遇良才
    [idiom]find one's match
  • 将门之子
    [idiom]come of a line of generals

Similar-form characters to 将

Chinese Characters with pinyin jiàng

  • drop; reduce
  • sauce; pickle in soy sauce
  • stubborn
  • craftsman; person of remarkable achievements in a particular field
  • crimson