jié yè

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.complete a course

    • tā jié yè shí bèi shòu yǔ le zhèng shū


      He was afforded a certificate upon completion of his course of study.

    • fǎ yuàn mìng lìng gāi gōng sī jié yè


      The court ordered the company to be wound up.

    • kǎo shì kè chéng jié yè zhèng shū


      the certification of the exam modules

Word usage

  • "结" and "业" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 经过20培训他们终于

      After 20 days’ training, they finally completed the course.

    • 考试没有通过不了

      He failed the exam, so he couldn't graduate.

    • 什么时候

      When did you complete the course?