lǐ fó

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.worship Buddha; pay one's respects to Buddha

    • fó jiào jiā jù shì zhǐ zài fó jiào sì yuàn zhè yī tè dìng de qū yù fàn wéi zhī nèi gōng sēng lǚ xìn tú zài shēng huó lǐ fó jì sì yǐ jí suǒ kāi zhǎn de yī qiè xiāng guān fó shì huó dòng zhōng wèi qí tí gōng zuò wò zhī chēng jí zhù cún wù pǐn de qì wù


      Buddhism furniture of Han areas is defined for the monks and devotees offer sitting, lying or supporting and storing items of artifacts in life, ceremony, ritual or carried out all the relevant Buddhist activities in Buddhist temples.

Word usage

  • "礼" and "佛" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 寺院

      He goes to the temple to worship Buddha several times every year.

    • 昨天寺庙

      Yesterday, he went to the temple to worship Buddha.