Chinese dictionary
n.donkey; ass
The donkey brayed and tried to bolt.
He gave the donkey a whack across the back with his stick.
This donkey is very docile.
Words and phrases with 驴
- 驴打滚[word]snowballing usury; steamed glutinous millet flour coated with soybean powder
- 驴羚[word]lechwe
- 驴力[word]donkey power
- 驴臭草[word]radix onosmae
- 驴脸[word]displeased facial expression
- 驴车[word]donkey cart
- 驴皮影[word]shadow puppetry
- 驴蹄草[word]caltha palustris
- 驴肝肺[word]donkey's liver and lungs
- 驴鸣狗吠[idiom]like asses braying and dogs barking
- 驴唇不对马嘴[idiom]donkeys' lips not matching horses' jaws
- 驴蒙虎皮[idiom]a donkey in a tiger's skin
- 驴鸣犬吠[idiom]donkeys/asses braying and dogs barking
- 驴前马后[idiom]be in front of the donkey and behind the horse
- 驴年马月[idiom]year of the donkey and month of the horse
Word usage
- common measure word"驴" is often matched with measure word "头".
one donkey