píng lǐ

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.judge between right and wrong; decide which side is right; reason things out; have it out

    • shuí shì shuí fēi yóu dà jiā yī qǐ píng lǐ


      Let everyone judge who is right and who is wrong.

    • wǒ fēi zhǎo tā píng lǐ bù kě


      I have got to go and reason it out with him.

    • hěn nán yǔ nà xiē xīn líng xiāng xī de rén píng lǐ


      Those close to your heart may be difficult to reason with.

Word usage

  • "评" and "理" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们

      Please reason things out for us!

    • 刚才大家一起

      Just now, we've reasoned things out together.

    • 你们

      Who reasoned things out for you guys?