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Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    pron.such; that

    • rú wén qí shēng rú jiàn qí rén

      You seem to see and hear the person.

    • shí jì shang bìng wú qí shì


      In reality there is no such thing.

    • zài bái gōng kàn lái tā de shēng míng zhèng dāng qí shí


      His statement could not have been better timed from the White House's point of view.

  • 2

    pron.he; she; it; they

    • dìng le jì huà jiù bì xū shǐ qí néng jí shí wán chéng


      Since there is a plan, it should be completed on time.

    • wǒ men bù néng rèn qí hú zuò fēi wéi


      He is not allowed to commit any outrages.

    • bù néng rèn qí zì liú

      Don't let things slide.

  • 3

    pron.his; her; its; their

    • zhǐ zhī qí yī bù zhī qí èr

      Be aware of one aspect but ignorant of the other.

    • wǒ men yào wù jìn qí yòng


      We need make the best use of everything.

    • tā bù néng zì yuán qí shuō

      He cannot justify oneself.

  • 4

    pron.used as a rhetorical word referring to nothing in particular

    • hé qí nán guò


      How sad!

  • 5

    adv.(used after an adverb) extremely

    • jí qí


    • yóu qí


  • 6

    auxiliary wordfmlindicating conjecture or questions

    • qǐ qí rán hū

      How can it be like this?

  • 7

    auxiliary wordfmlindicating an instruction/giving an order

    • zi qí miǎn zhī

      Exert yourself to the utmost!

Words and phrases with 其

Similar-form characters to 其

Chinese Characters with pinyin

  • strange; unexpected
  • even; reach the height of
  • ride; horse or other animals one rides
  • flag; "Eight Banners"
  • chess or any board game; chess piece