rén suǒ gòng zhī

Chinese dictionary
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  • slbe known to all; as is well known

    • rén suǒ gòng zhī guó jì fǎ xiāng dāng má fan


      International law is notoriously slippery.

    • tǒng jì zī liào yǒu shí yě bù kě kào zhè shì rén suǒ gòng zhī de


      Statistics can be notoriously unreliable.

    • dì qiú shì yuán de shì rén suǒ gòng zhī de shì


      It is common knowledge that the earth is round.

    • zuò zhě men bù liǎo jiě chū bǎn jiè de shí jì qíng kuàng zhè shì rén suǒ gòng zhī de


      Authors are famously ignorant about the realities of publishing.