
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.upgrade; (of product) update

    • xiàn yǒu yòng hù kě yǐ àn yōu huì jià shēng jí ruǎn jiàn


      Existing users will be able to upgrade their software at a reduced price.

    • yī liáo shè shī zhèng zài jìn xíng chóng zǔ hé shēng jí


      Medical facilities are being reorganized and upgraded.

    • zhí shēng jī yǐ jīng shēng jí bìng qiě zhuāng shang xiàn dài huà shè bèi


      Helicopters have been upgraded and modernized.

  • 2

    v.escalate; expand step by step, as from a local confrontation into a general war

    • guān chá yuán jǐng gào shuō bào lì shì jiàn kě néng huì shēng jí wéi wǔ zhuāng chōng tū


      Observers have warned that the violence could escalate into armed conflict.

    • zhàn dòu shēng jí le


      The fighting has escalated.

    • kàng yì zhú jiàn shēng jí wéi tiān de bào luàn


      The protests escalated into five days of rioting.

  • 3

    v.go up one or more grades; promote/advance to a higher grade

    • tā yǐ jīng shēng jí wéi jiāng jūn


      He has been promoted to general.

Word usage

  • "升" and "级" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 考试及格不了

      The student failing the exam is not allowed to go up one grade.

    • 手机

      He has never upgraded his mobile phone since he bought it.

    • 暴雨预警

      The rainstorm warning has risen two more levels.