tiān zhēn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    adj.innocent; simple and unaffected; artless

    • tā shì tiān zhēn de hái zi


      He is an innocent child.

    • bié duì tā jiǎ zhuāng tiān zhēn


      Don't try to act naive with him.

    • ér tóng zhǎng dà jiù bù zài tiān zhēn


      Children lose innocence when they grow older.

  • 2

    adj.derogsimple-minded; naive

    • bù néng bǎ dí rén xiǎng de tài tiān zhēn


      Enemies won't be so naive in their thinking.

    • nǐ yě tài tiān zhēn le jìng rán xiāng xìn tā


      It's really naive of you to have believed her.

    • ér bì jiā suǒ zhèng shì yòng tiān zhēn yǔ chún qíng quán shì le tā zhěng gè rén shēng


      But picasso was a naive and innocent interpret his whole life.

Word usage

  • Note
    "天真" is different from "幼稚". "天真" emphasizes innocence and easy to be deceived by illusions; "幼稚" emphasizes being young, having little experience and inexperience.