tóng nián

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  • 1


    • zhè zhāng zhào piàn shǐ tā yì qǐ zì jǐ de tóng nián


      The photo carried her back to her childhood.

    • tóng nián zǎo qī de qíng gǎn chuāng shāng liú xia le nán yǐ fǔ píng de shāng hén


      The emotional wounds of early childhood leave ineradicable scars.

    • zuò zhě jiāng tā de tóng nián shí dài zuò wéi zhè bù xiǎo shuō de sù cái


      The writer uses her childhood as raw material for this novel.

  • 2

    Childhood, an autobiographical novel written by Gorky based on his own experiences

Chinese words with pinyin tong nian