Whole syllable:Video guide

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1


    • cí yì

      the meaning of a word

    • zì yì

      meaning of a word

    • dìng yì


  • 2

    n.justice; righteousness

    • dào yì

      morality and justice

    • jiàn yì bù wéi nǎi wú yǒng yě

      To see what is right and not to do it is cowardice.

    • yì bù róng cí

      one's sense of honour makes it impossible to refuse

  • 3

    adj.righteous; just

    • yì xíng

      righteous deed

    • yì jǔ

      righteous deed

    • yì yǎn

      benefit performance

  • 4

    n.human ties; relationship; friendly feelings

    • qíng yì


    • fù yì

      be ungrateful

  • 5

    adj.adopted or adoptive

    • yì fù

      adoptive father

    • yì nǚ

      adopted daughter

  • 6

    adj.artificial; false

    • yì chǐ


      false tooth

    • yì zhī

      artificial limb

    • yì fà

      false hair

Words and phrases with 义

  • 义诊
    [word]set up a clinic to provide medical consultation to raise funds for justice or public welfare; provide free medical consultation
  • 义演
    [word]charity gala
  • 义勇军进行曲
    [word]March of the Volunteers
  • 义捐
    [word]make donations for public good or a just cause
  • 义齿
  • 义展
    [word]hold a benefit exhibition
  • 义子
    [word]adopted child
  • 义项
    [word]items in a dictionary entry arranged according to their meanings
  • 义工
    [word]voluntary work without pay; volunteer
  • 义愤填膺
    [idiom]afire with noble indignation
  • 义气相投
    [idiom]One's temper and nature are in accord with someone.
  • 义薄云天
    [idiom]noble spirit of righteous struggle
  • 义夫节妇
    [idiom]just men and decent women
  • 义无反顾
    [idiom]honor permits no turning back
  • 义正词严
    [idiom]sternly speak out of a sense of justice
  • 义结金兰
    [idiom]swear eternal friendship
  • 义形于色
    [idiom]with indignation written all over one's face
  • 义正辞严
    [idiom]now written as 义正词严

Word usage

  • Note
    "义" is different from "意". "义" means relatively fixed meaning items with strong generality; "意" means meaning, emotion, etc. in a specific language environment.

Similar-form characters to 义

Chinese Characters with pinyin

  • idea; desire
  • skill; art
  • separate; different
  • have no difficulty in doing things; amiable
  • also