zài jiē zài lì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • continue to exert oneself; work ceaselessly and unremittingly; make persistent/unremitting efforts; redouble/intensify one's efforts

    • tā men bǎi zhé bù náo zài jiē zài lì zhōng yú dá dào mù dì


      The goal has been finally attained through their dauntless and persistent efforts.

    • fàn diàn jīng lǐ duì yuán gōng biǎo shì gǎn xiè bìng yāo qiú tā men zài jiē zài lì


      The hotel manager thanked the staff and told them to keep up the good work.

    • wǒ xī wàng néng gòu jì xù zài jiē zài lì qǔ dé gèng duō de chéng jì


      I hope to continue to achieve more goals.

Word usage

  • Note
    "再接再厉" cannot be written as "再接再砺" or "再接再励".