zǒng cái

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.company president; managing director

    • tā de xìn xī yǐ fā sòng gěi gōng sī zǒng cái


      His message was sent to the company president.

    • yǐn zǒng cái jiù shì yī wèi píng yì jìn rén de gōng chéng shī


      Yin presents himself as an affable, easy-going engineer.

    • zǒng cái bìng méi yǒu chū xí zhè cì huì yì


      The president was not present at the meeting.

    • tā céng jīng dān rèn qǐ yè yùn yíng zhí xíng fù zǒng cái


      She was executive vice president of business operations.

  • 2

    n.president (of a political party)

  • 3

    n.arch(in the Qing Dynasty) head examiner of the imperial civil service examination at the capital

    • tā zēng zǔ fù céng bèi rèn mìng wéi zǒng cái


      His great-grandfather was appointed as the minister of the Qing Dynasty.

    • yǐ qián zǒng cái shì yī gè guān zhí


      In the past, the president was an official position.

    • zài gǔ dài zǒng cái shì gè dà rén wù


      In ancient times, the president was a big man.

Word usage

  • "总裁" is often matched with measure word "个"or"位"or"群".
    • 总裁

      one president

    • 总裁

      one president

    • 总裁

      one group of presidents