What is idiom?
As other languages, idioms and proverbs are common in Chinese, which are called “熟语” in Chinese.
Teacher:"Pull down one's trousers and fart!" Do you know what it means?
Student:Ha ha? Hygiene? Make a loud sound? Make a good smelling?
Teacher:Neither. "Take off your pants and fart" means “make an unnecessary move”. In English, "gild the lily", "overegg the pudding" and "butter on Bacon", they all use other words to express the meaning of “unnecessary”. However, this idiom is divided into two parts. The first part is a riddle, and the latter part is the answer. What’s more, it is very humorous.
Student:Wow, cool! Teacher, I wonder if there is any other expression of “unnecessary”? This is a little rude.
Teacher:Of course. For example, "painting a snake and adding feet".
Student:A snake with feet? That’s ridiculous.
Teacher:It derives from a story in ancient times. A man participated in a snake-painting competition. He quickly finished drawing, but when he saw that others had not finished, he added feet to the snake. In the end, he totally failed and was laughed at by others. A snake has no feet, any feet are unnecessary. So here comes an idiom “画蛇添足”.
“熟语”is the fruit of all the 5000-year wisdom and insight of Chinese nation. Not only can they expand our vocabulary, but also help us understand culture. If you can have a deeper study of these idioms, your will make a great progress on Chinese study, and when you speak Chinese, you will become humorous. Now you can have a keen appreciation of the idiom words, here we go.
Learn idiom proverb words?
Grade 1 and grade 2 idioms and proverb
Total 161 words
高高兴兴 cheerful; in a gleeful mood
鸟语花香 a beautiful spring day
Grade 3 idioms and proverbs
Total 271 words
光阴似箭 the swift passage of time; how time flies
鬼斧神工 extremely skillful; uncanny workmanship
Grade 4 idioms and proverbs
Total 326 words
百发百中 shoot with unfailing accuracy; never fail to hit one's mark
笨鸟先飞 clumsy birds have to start flying early; the slow need
Grade 5 and grade 6 idioms and proverbs
Total 542 words
风雨同舟 tide over difficulties together; tanding together through thick and thin
打破砂锅问到底 insist on getting to the bottom of matters
Common idiom and proverb of Chinese student at grade 7 to grade 9.
Total 681 words
爱屋及乌 love for a person extends even to the crows on his roof
老马识途 an old horse knows the way; the experienced knows the ropes
Common idiom and proverb of Chinese student at grade 10 to grade 12.
Total 484 words
不期而遇 have a chance encounter; happen to meet
物华天宝 good products from the earth are nature's treasures