一往无前press forward with an indomitable will
万众一心all people of one heart and one mind
万紫千红in a blaze of color; thriving
万马奔腾ten thousand horses galloping ahead
争奇斗艳contend with each other to show their charm
五光十色multicolored; of great variety
八仙过海Each displays one's own talents or skills to outwit others.
六神无主all six vital organs fail to function-be perplexed/stupefied
十全十美leave nothing to be desired
博采众长make extensive use of the expertise from all quarters
可歌可泣move one to song and tears
张灯结彩be gay with lanterns and decorations
循序渐进take a progressive approach
惊天动地extremely loud; earth-shaking
愚公移山do seemingly impossible things with dogged perseverance and succeed eventually
披星戴月work from morning until night; travel day and night
拔苗助长be over-enthusiastic in assisting something to grow, thus causing it great damage
指手画脚talk with excessive gestures; throw one's weight around
日积月累accumulate day by day and month by month
春风化雨wind and rain required for plant growth; good education
普天同庆the whole world or nation joins in the jubilation/celebration
水到渠成success is assured when conditions are ripe
漫山遍野all over the mountains and plains
火树银花bright display of lights or fireworks
焕然一新take on an entirely new look
相得益彰bring out the best in each other
跋山涉水trudge across mountains and rivers
载歌载舞sing and dance joyously and festively
金碧辉煌resplendent and magnificent
雪中送炭offer fuel in snowy weather
风和日丽a bright sun and a gentle breeze
其乐无穷The happiness is unlimited.
刨根问底get to the root of a matter
春暖花开Spring has come and flowers are in bloom.
栩栩如生be lifelike and full of vitality
欢聚一堂happily gather under the same roof
由浅入深proceed from the easy to the difficult
春光明媚sunlit and enchanting scene of spring
绿树成荫The trees make a pleasant shade.