一流of the same kind; first-class
专业specialization; specialized profession
义工voluntary work without pay; volunteer
变become different; change in nature or state
幼稚园an old name for the kindergarten
开朗spacious and with plenty of light; sanguine
情况situation; military situation
抽take something out from within something else; take
政politics; political/state power
申请file an application; application
留remain; study abroad/overseas
知识knowledge; pertaining to knowledge, learning or culture
行go; something about travelling
行政administration; exercise the state power
行政区region having mechanisms capable of wielding state or political power
认真take seriously; conscientious
负carry on the back or shoulder; shoulder
负责be responsible; conscientious
醒regain consciousness; wake up
尽try to reach the greatest extent; within the limits of