HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

chǒu è丑恶ugly

chǎn yè产业estate; industry

cè miàn侧面side; aspect

chàng dǎo倡导initiate

chàng yì倡议bring forward/make a proposal; first proposal

cháng huán偿还repay

chōng shí充实substantial; substantiate

chōng dāng充当assume the office of

chōng pèi充沛vigorous

chōng zú充足abundant

chōng jī冲击come under fire; pound against

chōng dòng冲动strong emotional impulse defying sensible reasoning; impulse

chōng tū冲突conflict; contradict

chū mài出卖offer for sale; betray

chū xi出息prospects; become prettier

chū shén出神be absorbed in something

chū lù出路way out; outlet for goods

chū shēn出身background; one's previous experience or occupation

chū bù初步preliminary; first step

chà nà刹那instant

chī lì吃力strenuous; exhausted

chī kǔ吃苦suffer

chéng xiàn呈现appear

cáo zá嘈杂noisy

cháo xiào嘲笑ridicule

chǎng hé场合occasion

chǎng suǒ场所arena

chǎng miàn场面occasion; scene

chéng bǎo城堡castle

cháng shì尝试try; attempt

céng chū bù qióng层出不穷emerge in an endless stream

céng cì层次rank; subordinate administrative levels

chàforked; turn off the main road

chóng bài崇拜adore

chóng jìng崇敬respect

chóng gāo崇高lofty

cháo xué巢穴nest of a bird; lair

chā bié差别difference

chéng fá惩罚punish

chéng jiāo成交bargain

chéng yuán成员members of a group or a family

chéng tiān成天all day long

chéng xīn成心intentionally

chéng xiào成效effect

chéng běn成本costs

chéng bàn承办undertake

chéng bāo承包contract

chéng nuò承诺promise to undertake; a promise to do something

chí jiǔ持久abiding

chā zuò插座outlet

chānsupport somebody with one's hand; mix

chè tuì撤退withdraw

chè xiāo撤销revoke

cāo zuò操作operate; handling

cāo zòng操纵operate/control/steel; manipulate

chǎng kāi敞开open wide; put no limit on

chāng shèng昌盛prosperous

cháo dài朝代dynasty; a certain historical period

chá huò查获investigate and capture

chái yóu柴油diesel

chéngorange tree; fruit of the orange tree

chén sī沉思ponder

chén diàn沉淀form a sediment; sediment

chén zhuó沉着composed; precipitate

chén zhòng沉重heavy; critical

chén mèn沉闷oppressive; in low spirits

cè liáng测量measure; operation of surveying the form, extent and surface features, etc. of an area of land

cháo liú潮流tidal current; trend

chéng qīng澄清clear; clarify

chàng tōng畅通advance unblocked

chàng xiāo畅销be in great demand

chéngput in a container; contain


chēng hào称号title

chóu mì稠密dense

cè huà策划plan; the planner

cè lüè策略tactics; tactful

chóu bèi筹备prepare

chán rào缠绕twine; pester

cǎo àn草案draft

cǎo shuài草率negligent

chèn tuō衬托serve as a foil to

chéng zhì诚挚sincere

chà yì诧异be surprised/amazed

chì zì赤字deficit

chì dào赤道equator; celestial equator

chāo yuè超越overstep

chí yí迟疑be shy about/of

chí huǎn迟缓sluggish

chí dùn迟钝sluggish

chóng dié重叠overlapping; repeat

chāo piào钞票money

chǎn shù阐述expound

chén liè陈列display

chén jiù陈旧old-fashioned

chén shù陈述state; statement

chúget rid of; divide

chàn dǒu颤抖shake

chángreedy; be covetous of

chèn xīn rú yì称心如意have something as one wishes