HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

dīngman; member of a family

dōng dào zhǔ东道主host

diū sān là sì丢三落四forgetful

diū rén丢人lose face

èr yǎng huà tàn二氧化碳carbon dioxide

duì xiàn兑现cash; fulfil

dōuwrap up and let hang in a piece of cloth, etc.; bag

diǎn xíng典型model; typical

diǎn lǐ典礼ceremony

dòng jié冻结congeal; block

dòng lì动力power; impetus

dòng yuán动员arouse; mobilize

dòng tài动态trends; dynamic state

dòng shǒu动手begin/start work; touch

dòng jī动机intention

dòng mài动脉artery; arterial road

dòng dàng动荡rock; turbulence

dòng shēn动身get/set/start off

dòng jing动静voice; movements

fā dòng发动launch; mobilize

fā dāi发呆stare blankly

fā shè发射shoot; emit

fā bù发布issue

fā yáng发扬develop and promote; make the most of

fā yán发炎get inflamed

fā yù发育develop

fā xíng发行publish

fā jué发觉come to know; find

fā shì发誓pledge

fā cái发财get rich; ask somebody where he or she works by way of asking where he or she makes a fortune

dīng zhǔ叮嘱exhort

diāohold in the mouth

diàocondole; hang

duō suo哆嗦tremble

dì shì地势terrain

dì bù地步plight; extent

dì zhì地质geology

diànput something under something else; pad

duī jī堆积pile/heap up; accumulation

duò luò堕落corrupt

dī bà堤坝dikes and dams

dǔ sè堵塞jam

duō yuán huà多元化diversify

diàn dìng奠定establish

dìng yì定义definition; define

dìng qī定期fix/set a date; regular

duì fu对付deal with; make do

duì yìng对应correspond; corresponding

duì kàng对抗oppose; confront

duì zhào对照compare

duì chèn对称symmetric

duì lì对立clash; be in opposition to

duì cè对策responses/answers to emperor's question on administrative circumstances; countermove

duì lián对联antithetical couplet

ēn yuàn恩怨gratitude and grudges; resentment

è huà恶化deteriorate; make something worse

ě xin恶心feel like vomiting; disgust

diàn jì惦记be concerned about

dǐ zhì抵制resist

dǐ kàng抵抗resist

dǐ dá抵达arrive in/at

dí shì敌视be hostile towards

dòu zhēng斗争fight; accuse and denounce at a meeting

duàn dìng断定determine

duàn jué断绝sever

dù jué杜绝put an end; waive all rights to buy back the real estate one sells

dòngbeam; house

dú pǐn毒品drugs

dēng long灯笼lantern

diǎn zhuì点缀adorn; use something merely for show/decoration

dú cái独裁dictatorship

diàn yuán电源main; devices for changing the form of electrical energy in electronic equipment

dēng lù登录enter; log in

dēng lù登陆land; enter the market of an area or region

dīngstare at

dū cù督促supervise and urge

dèngopen wide; glare with displeasure

duǎn cù短促very short

duānend; beginning

duān zhèng端正straight; right

děng hòu等候await

děng jí等级grade; social estate/stratum/status

ér yǐ而已that is all

dǒng shì zhǎng董事长chairman of the board

diào dòng调动transfer; mobilize

dǔ bó赌博gamble; take risks in some activities

diētumble; drop

dēngpress down or push with the foot; step on

dì zēng递增increase successively/progressively

è zhì遏制keep within limits

duì wu队伍armed forces; organization

dǒu qiào陡峭cliffy

diāo kè雕刻carve; carving

diāo sù雕塑sculpt; sculpture

dùn shí顿时at once

é wài额外extra

diān dǎo颠倒turn upside down; be confused

diān bǒ颠簸jolt

dōng zhāng xī wàng东张西望glance this way and that

duān wǔ jié端午节the Dragon Boat Festival