HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

bù xiàng huà不像话unreasonable; outrageous

bù miǎn不免inevitably

bù kě sī yì不可思议unimaginable

bù kān不堪cannot bear/stand; cannot

bù fáng不妨may/might as well

bù dé yǐ不得已act against one's will

bù xī不惜not stint

bù kuì不愧prove to be

bù zé shǒu duàn不择手段by hook or crook

bù gǎn dāng不敢当I'm much obliged.

bù liào不料be contrary to expectations

bù shí不时frequently; at any time

bù zhǐ不止incessant; more than

bù yóu de不由得not allow; can’t help but

bù xiāng shàng xià不相上下almost on a par

bù jīn不禁can’t help doing

bù yán ér yù不言而喻as a matter of course

bù gù不顾have no consideration for; disregard

bǐngthe third of the ten Heavenly Stems; third

cāng cù仓促hurried

cāng kù仓库warehouse

bó mǔ伯母aunt; general term of address for a woman of one's mother's generation

biàn yú便于easy to

biàn lì便利convenient; facilitate

biàn tiáo便条note

bīng báo冰雹hail

bié shù别墅villa

biè niu别扭disagreeable; difficult to deal with

bié zhì别致unique

bō xuē剥削exploit

bó dà jīng shēn博大精深extensive and profound

bó lǎn huì博览会exhibition

cān zhào参照consult and follow

cān móu参谋give advice; staff officer

biàn gù变故accident

biàn zhì变质go bad; metamorphism

biàn qiān变迁vicissitudes

bǔ rǔ哺乳breast-feed

bù gào布告proclamation; announce by posting notice

bù jú布局overall arrangement; composition

bù zhì布置fix up; assign

bìng liè并列be juxtaposed

bìng fēi并非be actually not

cǎi piào彩票lottery ticket

biēhold back; oppressed


cái gàn才干ability

move or adjust; set aside

bǔ zhuō捕捉catch; to seize something that is fleeting or transient

bó dòu搏斗wrestle; struggle mentally

bō zhòng播种grow/plant by sowing seeds

cāo láo操劳work hard; look after

cāo liàn操练drill; do exercises

biāo běn标本root cause and symptoms of a disease; specimen

biāo jì标记sign; sign

biāo tí标题title

bù fá步伐pace; pace

cán rěn残忍cruel

cán liú残留remain

cán jí残疾deformity

cán kù残酷cruel; hard and dangerous

bō làng波浪wave

bō tāo波涛billow

bīn lín濒临be close to

càn làn灿烂magnificent

biān zhī编织weave


cāng bái苍白pale; lifeless

bó ruò薄弱weak

bǔ cháng补偿compensate; return

bǔ jiù补救remedy

bǔ tiē补贴help financially; subsidy

biǎo jué表决decide by vote

biǎo zhāng表彰commend

biǎo tài表态make known one's position

cái pàn裁判judge; civil judgement

cái yuán裁员cut down the number of persons employed

cái feng裁缝tailor

cái wù财务financial matters

cái fù财富wealth; valuable stuff

cái zhèng财政finance

biǎn yì贬义derogatory sense

biǎn dī贬低belittle

biàn rèn辨认make out

biàn hù辩护argue in favour of; defend himself

biàn jiě辩解justify

biàn zhèng辩证investigate and authenticate; dialectical

biàn zi辫子plait; handle

biān jìng边境frontier

biān jiè边界boundary

biān jiāng边疆frontier

biān yuán边缘edge; marginal

biàn bù遍布spread all over

bù wèi部位position

bù shǔ部署deploy

cǎi nà采纳accept

cǎi gòu采购purchase; buyer

cǎi jí采集collect

biān cè鞭策urge on

bù xiè yī gù不屑一顾beneath one's notice