世家aristocratic family; aristocrat's biography
五花大绑tie one's hands behind his back
伴侣partner; especially refers to husband and wife
分泌secrete; gradually fill up with liquefied minerals
前车之鉴warning taken from the overturned cart ahead
劈chop; right against one's face, chest, etc.
好端端in perfectly good condition
孕育be pregnant with; inoculation
巧夺天工superb craftsmanship excelling nature
思潮trend of thoughts; train of thoughts
洁癖an unhealthy obsession with cleanliness
洗漱wash one's face and rinse one's mouth
灵气intelligence; supernatural energy or strength
炙手可热haughty arrogance of somebody with great power
独身separated from one's family; unmarried
翻天覆地earth-shattering; ferociously vent one's frustration
质地quality of a material; character
醴sweet wine; sweet spring water
付诸give something to someone, or put the plan into effect
对襟短褂Chinese-style jacket with a buttoned opening straight down the front