D Chinese ACC II

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Developing Chinese 6.

èr láng tuǐ二郎腿cross-legged

zhànghold; rely/depend on

rèn píng任凭allow; despite

fǎng gǔ仿古modelled after an antique

shì wèi侍卫guard; imperial bodyguard

xìn yǎng信仰faith; believe in

jiǎ xīng xīng假惺惺unctuous

jiàn zhuàng健壮healthy and strong

xiān fā zhì rén先发制人gain the initiative by striking the first blow

rù dìng入定sit in meditation

jué cè决策make a decision; policy decision

fán xīn凡心mortal life

qiè hé切合fit in with

chuàng yì创意bring forth a new idea; original thinking and concept

xuē ruò削弱weaken; weaken

gōu jié勾结gang up

pàn luàn叛乱mutiny

pàn biàn叛变betray one's country, party, etc.

gǔ sè gǔ xiāng古色古香be with old world character/charm

tóng dǎng同党fellow members of a political party/faction; confederate

qǐ yòng启用start using

bǎo lěi堡垒fort; diehard

xiángrudge; dislike

shí lì实力strength

fú yuán幅员the area of a country's territory

píng dìng平定calm down; quell

píng xī平息subside; suppress

qìng diǎn庆典celebration

yán zhǎn延展stretch

qiáng shèng强盛powerful and prosperous

xíng shì形势topographical features; situation

drive/ride; administer

chéng bàn惩办punish

dǎ qù打趣make fun of

tóu sù投诉appeal; complain

tóu xiáng投降surrender

lā lǒng拉拢draw somebody over to one's side

zhāo zhì招致recruit; lead to

sōu suǒ搜索search for; hunting

shuāi jiāo摔跤trip and fall; make a blunder

chēng yāo撑腰support

zhī chēng支撑support; maintain

fàng sì放肆presumptuous

zhèng wù政务government affairs/administration

xiào lì效力serve; effect

bào tiào rú léi暴跳如雷go on the rampage

cháo zhèng朝政court administration

gòu sī构思rack brains when writing an article or making a work of art; the result of thinking/conceiving

biāo bǎng标榜flaunt; boost

jìn tòu浸透impregnate; soak

yǒng xiàn涌现spring up

qīng chún清醇pure and mellow

gǔn guā làn shú滚瓜烂熟read or recite fluently from memory

láo fáng牢房prison/jail cell

wù sè物色look for

dú jù jiàng xīn独具匠心have originality

dú duàn zhuān xíng独断专行make arbitrary decisions and take peremptory action

diàn wū玷污sully; rape

shēng pà生怕for fear that

dēng lù登录enter; log in

mó liàn磨炼put oneself through the mill

jìn qū禁区forbidden zone/region/ground; preserve

jìn jì禁忌taboo; contraindication

cè lüè策略tactics; tactful

fēn pī纷披spread wildly about; flourishing

lián xiǎng联想think of; association

zì lǜ自律practise self-discipline

zì bào zì qì自暴自弃resign oneself to failure

méng dòng萌动sprout; begin

méng shēng萌生come into being

fānhedge; screen

róng huì融会mix together

cái yuán裁员cut down the number of persons employed

chù dòng触动bump; touch one's heart

chù fàn触犯offend

tǎo fá讨伐send a punitive expedition against

wū gào诬告bring a false accusation

yòu dǎo诱导guide; induction

zhū duō诸多a good deal

diào bīng qiǎn jiàng调兵遣将deploy forces; muster and organize manpower

tiào cáo跳槽leave its own manger to eat at another; job-hop

qiāolift up; stand/walk on tiptoe

liáo kuò辽阔vast

zào fǎn造反revolt

bī jìn逼近approach

niàngmake; wine

chún xiāng醇香aromatic

xǐng mù醒目eye-catching

yě xīn野心wild ambition

mén kǎn门槛doorsill; knack

xióng hòu雄厚ample

yīn yùn音韵rhyme and rhythm; initial, final and tone of Chinese characters

qǐngqing; short while

fēng shēng风声sound of the wind; news

fēng bō风波storm

fēng xíng风行be popular; fast as the wind

jiāo hèng骄横overbearing

gōng bù kě mò功不可没contribute significantly

huái hèn zài xīn怀恨在心bear somebody a grudge

lǎng lǎng shàng kǒu朗朗上口be able to read aloud easily and fluently