D Chinese ACC II

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Developing Chinese 6.

yī tóu wù shuǐ一头雾水be completely fogged

yī guàn一贯consistent

bù dòng shēng sè不动声色maintain one's poise

bù kě shèng shǔ不可胜数countless

zhuān zhù专注be absorbed

qǐ qiú乞求beg for

yě bà也罢all right; whether...or…

shì xiàng事项item

qīn mì亲密close

gòng fèng供奉consecrate; provide for and wait on

qīn shí侵蚀corrode; encroach upon/on

chǔ cún储存lay in/up

chǔ liàng储量reserves

rù qīn入侵invade; something harmful entering into the interior

gōng guān公关public relations; work related to public relations

dòng jié冻结congeal; block

jiǎn huǎn减缓slow down

shòu lèi受累be put to much trouble

biàn tài变态metamorphosis; deviating from normal

diào yàn吊唁condole

ào miào奥妙profundity; profound and subtle

xué shí学识knowledge

zǎi xiàng宰相prime minister

cháng guī常规convention; routine

yìng duì应对answer; make a response

xíng tài形态form; morphology

jìng liú径流runoff

dài jī待机await the opportune moment; put something on standby


yì yuàn意愿desire

zhàn yǒu战友comrade-in-arms

zhàn lüè战略strategy; strategy that concerns the overall situation

tuō fù托付entrust

kàngresist; refuse

zhěng jiù拯救deliver

tiāo ti挑剔be fastidious

tiǎo bō挑拨provoke

pái fàng排放emit

cāo chí操持manage; plan and prepare

jué qǔ攫取seize

zàn qiě暂且for the time being

gēng tì更替replace

yǒu bèi wú huàn有备无患be prepared against want

qī xī栖息rest

huì bào汇报report; report

fǎ zé法则rule; laws and regulations

nóng dù浓度concentration

làobe waterlogged; excessive water in the field

shēn ān深谙be familiar with

yuánsource of a river; cause

guàn gài灌溉irrigate

diǎn dī点滴a bit; tidbit

lào yìn烙印brand; brand

shà fèi kǔ xīn煞费苦心take great pains

lǐ cǎi理睬pay attention/heed to

yí huò疑惑not be convinced; doubt

jiān kòng监控monitor and control; supervise and control

xiāng yìng相应corresponding

xiāng rú yǐ mò相濡以沫help each other to pull through a plight/crisis


yán fā研发research and develop; research and development

tū fēi měng jìn突飞猛进advance by leaps and bounds

jiū fēn纠纷dispute

ér yǐ而已that is all

hú jiǎo mán chán胡搅蛮缠argue tediously and vexatiously

zì xíng自行by oneself; voluntarily

méng yá萌芽sprout; germ

jiě dòng解冻thaw; unfreeze

píng gū评估assess

wù qū误区misunderstanding

qǐng biàn请便please yourself

fù miàn负面negative side

cái wù财务financial matters

tiē xīn贴心intimate

shǎng shí赏识recognize the worth of

chāo jí超级super

qū shì趋势trend

dá guān达观optimistic

qiān xǐ迁徙move

jìn dù进度rate of progress; schedule

jìn chéng进程progress

chí huǎn迟缓sluggish

tuì suō退缩cower

jǐn duàn锦缎brocade

fáng fàn防范be on guard

fù jiàn附件appendix; enclosure

chú wài除外except

bà quán霸权hegemony

yù cè预测forecast

yù jǐng预警give early/advance warning

jī máo suàn pí鸡毛蒜皮chicken feathers and garlic skins

shì wú jù xì事无巨细all matters whether important or trivial

chǎn luǎn产卵lay eggs

qiān tóu wàn xù千头万绪a multitude of things

gēng xīn huàn dài更新换代replace the old by the new

wú yōng zhì yí毋庸置疑beyond doubt

chàng tōng wú zǔ畅通无阻be clear of obstructions

hǒngfool; coax

làn kǎn làn fá滥砍滥伐deforestation denudation

qǔ jué yú取决于depend on