D Chinese ECC II

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Developing Chinese 2.

yī lù一路all the way; of the same kind/type

xià bān下班knock off

bù shí不时frequently; at any time

bù mǎn不满resentful; be discontented with

bù zhī bù jué不知不觉unwittingly

zhōng xīn中心main body; centre

chéngride; avail oneself of

qǐ gài乞丐beggar

yú shì于是hence

qīn yǎn亲眼with one's own eyes

rén gé人格personality; moral character

réng rán仍然still

yōu měi优美exquisite

shì de似的just like/as

bǎo cún保存preserve

bǎo chí保持keep

zhǔn shí准时on schedule

dào dǐ到底to the end/finish/utmost; at last

bāo guǒ包裹dress; bundle

shí fēn十分very; completely

jí shǐ即使even if/though

qù shì去世pass away

zhǐ yǒu只有only; be forced to

chī lì吃力strenuous; exhausted

dì zhǐ地址place of residence; address

dì diǎn地点place

dǔ chē堵车be stuck in heavy traffic

shī wàng失望lose hope/heart/confidence; disappointed

hǎo zài好在fortunately

hǎo chu好处benefit; profit

gū líng líng孤零零solitary

kè hù客户tenant farmer; customer

jì mò寂寞lonely; quiet

jǐn guǎn尽管without reserve; always

shān cūn山村mountain village

zuǒ yòu左右the left and right sides; those in close attendance

mù bù幕布curtain; screen

guǎng chǎng广场large, open public area

zhāngdraw; tense

dàng shí当时that very moment

zhì yuàn zhě志愿者volunteer

hū rán忽然all of a sudden


qíng shū情书love letter

qíng rén情人lover

qíng rén jié情人节Valentine's Day

gǎn dào感到feel

rēngthrow; throw away

jiē shòu接受accept

tí qián提前shift to an earlier date; in advance

fàngset free; give way to

fàng qì放弃give up

céng jīng曾经once

yuè guāng月光moonlight; use up all of one's monthly income

cháocourt; dynasty

shùbind; control

yǐ zi椅子chair

die; desperately

mǔ yǔ母语mother tongue; parent language

sprinkle; descend in scattered drops or particles

liú chàng流畅smooth

diǎn tóu点头nod; give one's consent

tè yì特意for a special purpose

shēng mìng生命life; living things

huà miàn画面general appearance of a picture; frame

máng rén盲人blind person

yǎn jìng眼镜eyeglass

lǐ mào礼貌politeness; courteous

lí kāi离开leave

bǐ yǒu笔友pen pal

lǎo nǎi nai老奶奶paternal great-grandmother; old granny

shū cài蔬菜greens

guān zhòng观众audience

jiě shì解释explain; explain implications, reasons, causes, etc.

jì suàn计算calculate; consider

jiǎng jiě讲解explain

fǎng wèn访问visit; browse or look for information on a website

huà tǒng话筒microphone; speaker

shuō fa说法wording; argument

tōng xìn通信communicate by letter; transmit/convey message

part; unit

zhǎng xiàng长相appearance

mò shēng陌生strange

nán dào难道used to reiterate/give force a rhetorical question

xū yào需要need; need

jìngstill; serene

lǐng dǎo领导lead; leader

xiān huā鲜花fresh flower

hēi àn黑暗dark; reactionary

bù zài不再no longer;exist no more

zhī jiān之间between; indicates a short period of time

tí chū提出advance

fěn sè粉色pink

huā pén花盆flowerpot

zhè shí这时this time

yī piàn一片a fardel; a stretch

huā xiāng花香fragrance of a flower

yù dào遇到run into

jiǎo bù shēng脚步声footfall

jiǎng jiě yuán讲解员stand-attendant/guide