D Chinese ECC II

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Developing Chinese 2.

yī kè一刻instant; quarter of an hour

bù rú不如inferior to; might as well

yě xǔ也许perhaps

shū běn书本book

qīnparents; relative

cóng qián从前earlier time

zǐ xì仔细attentive; be cautious

shǐ使send; make

zhǔnstandard; in accordance with

jiǎn féi减肥lose/reduce/shed weight

gāng gāng刚刚just now; exactly

chū liàn初恋first love; fall in love for the first time

fā dǒu发抖tremble

kě ài可爱lovable

kě xiào可笑funny; ridiculous

tái jiē台阶staircase; opportunity to extricate somebody from embarrassment or predicament: way out

tóng yàng同样same

wěnlips; animal's mouth

gào bié告别say goodbye to; leave

xiǎngecho; sound

shòu huò yuán售货员shop assistant

shàn liáng善良kindhearted

tiánfill; supplement

jiācarry something under one's arm; press from both sides

ān jìng安静quiet; calm

shí zai实在well-done

píng ān平安safe and sound

bìngcombine; be side by side

xìng fú幸福happiness; felicity

kāiopen; open out

kāi xīn开心happy; amuse oneself at one's expense

wēi xiào微笑smile; smile

xīn qíng心情mood

zěn yàng怎样how

dǎ yìn打印stamp; mimeograph

dǎ ting打听inquire about

lā shou拉手handle

zhǎng shēng掌声applause

zhāipick; select

gǎi biàn改变become different

shù zì数字characters that denote amounts; numeral

wén jiàn文件document; papers

shí kè时刻hour; constantly

míng míng明明obviously

yǒu qù有趣interesting


zhěn tou枕头pillow

guì tái柜台counter

yàng zi样子appearance; manner

huólive; save

xiāo xi消息information; message

wēn róu温柔gentle

yóu xì游戏game; play

mǎn zú满足contented; satisfy

jī dòng激动excited

diǎnspot; dot stroke

rè liè热烈animated

zhào gù照顾give consideration to; give preferential treatment

ài qíng爱情love

tè shū特殊special

bān zhǔ rèn班主任a teacher in charge of a class

diàn bīng xiāng电冰箱refrigerator

yǎn lèi眼泪tears

yìnghard; unyielding

zhù fú祝福bless; blessing

tóng nián童年childhood; Childhood, an autobiographical novel written by Gorky based on his own experiences

jǐn zhāng紧张nervous; intense

level; grade

jì niàn pǐn纪念品souvenir

zhōng yú终于finally

biānweave; organize

měi lì美丽beautiful

xiàn mù羡慕admire

ěr duo耳朵ear


biǎo shì表示express; indicate meaning through itself or through something else

bèi zi被子quilt

wù huì误会misunderstand; misunderstanding

ruǎnsoft; mild

qīnglight; small in number, degree, etc.

xīn kǔ辛苦hard; go to great trouble

mí lù迷路lose one's way; labyrinth

sòngaccompany somebody to his destination; give

nào xiào hua闹笑话make a fool of oneself

leaf; page

é tóu额头brow

fēi wěn飞吻blow a kiss

gāo kǎo高考college/university entrance examination

shòu bu liǎo受不了be unable to endure

zhěng tiān整天all day

zì yóu zì zài自由自在free and unrestrained

huò jià货架shelf for storing good; shelf behind the seat of a bicycle for carrying things

zhēn tóu针头pinhead

yī zhèn zi一阵子a period of time

biàn chéng变成become

gè zhǒng gè yàng各种各样a great variety of

yī xià zi一下子same as 一下

guǎng dōng huà广东话Cantonese

shǐ jìn r使劲儿exert all one's strength

xǐng lái醒来wake up