HYJC Textbook 3 (B)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Hanyu Jiaocheng 3(B).

bù xìng不幸disaster; unfortunately

bù yóu zì zhǔ不由自主involuntarily

bù lùn不论regardless of; not discuss

yán zhòng严重serious

sàng shī丧失lose

jiǔfor a long time; a specified duration

yōu xiù优秀excellent

shāng kǒu伤口wound

tíng yè停业stop doing business temporarily; go out of business

miǎndismiss; avoid

miǎn bu liǎo免不了be bound to

jué xīn决心determination; resolute

lěng jìng冷静quiet; calm

hán shòu函授teach by correspondence

jiǎnscissors; cut off

jiǎn dāo剪刀shears

yī liáo医疗medical treatment

shí quán shí měi十全十美leave nothing to be desired

fà láng发廊barber's; beauty parlour

kǒu xíng口形degree of lip rounding

hòu huǐ后悔regret

kā chā咔嚓crack

yǎobite; bark

sǎng zi嗓子throat; voice

péi yǎng培养culture; train

duō kuī多亏owe something to somebody

dà dǎn大胆bold

tóuhead; hair

gōng rén工人workman

cloth; a copper coin in ancient times

xī wàng希望hope; hope

kāi zhāng开张open a business; open

qiángpowerful; strengthen

máng lù忙碌be busy

huái怀bosom; yearn for

zǒng biān总编editor in chief

chéng wéi成为turn into

shǒu pà手帕handkerchief

shǒu yì手艺craftsmanship

throw oneself on; devote

táilift up; carry something with hands or shoulders

zhāo hu招呼call; greet

zhāo shēng招生recruit students

áisuffer; drag out

sǔn shī损失lose; loss

pái duì排队queue

tuī jiàn推荐recommend

tuī ràng推让decline

jiǎodisturb; mix

shōu shi收拾put in order; get things ready

zhěng dùn整顿reorganize

wén xué文学literature

wú shēng无声noiseless

míng xīng明星Venus; famous performer or athlete

nuǎn yáng yáng暖洋洋warm

lái huí来回make a round trip; a round/return trip

shū zi梳子comb

drip; drop

huǒfire; firearms

diǎn rán点燃ignite; ignition

special; especially

lǐ fà理发give a haircut

dí què的确indeed

yǎneye; small hole

pò huài破坏destroy/wreck/ruin; disrupt

yìnghard; unyielding

gǎo zi稿子rough draft; contribution

děng hòu等候await

suàn zhàng算账balance the books; square/settle accounts with somebody

hóng huo红火lively; flourishing

quēlack; be incomplete

zhàocover; shade

nài lì耐力stamina

ěr duo耳朵ear

yíng yǎng营养nutrition; nourish

luò bǎng落榜flunk a competitive examination for a job or school admission

jì zhě记者correspondent

zhèngprove; evidence

shì yàn试验experiment; examination

péi cháng赔偿pay for; compensation

zhuàn yǐ转椅swivel/revolving chair; merry-go-round

zhuǎn yǎn转眼in a flash; roll eyes

lúnwheel; take turns

qīng róu轻柔gentle; #$

jìn rù进入enter

zhú jiàn逐渐gradually

cuò bié zì错别字mispronounced or wrongly written character

jìng zi镜子mirror; glasses

shǎn shī闪失accident

miàn shòu面授instruct personally; conduct classroom teaching

hǎo shǐ好使be convenient to use

huǎng rán dà wù恍然大悟suddenly see the light

jīng jiào惊叫cry in fear

zhǐ xuè止血stop bleeding

shàng hǎi上海Shanghai

lǐ fà shī理发师barber


méi shì r没事儿It's okay.

xué jiā学家scholar, a person who knows a lot about a particular subject because they have studied it in detail