New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

sān fān wǔ cì三番五次again and again

sān jiǎo三角triangle; something triangular

shàng rèn上任take up an official post; predecessor

shàng si上司superior

shàng chǎng上场appear on the stage

shàng tóu上头start wearing her hair in a bun on her wedding day; go to one's head

shàng gǎng上岗go on guard; go to one's post

shàng bào上报appear in a newspaper; report

shàng xún上旬the first ten-day period of a month

shàng liú上流upper-class

shàng huǒ上火suffer from excessive internal heat; get angry

shàng kōng上空sky

shàng sù上诉appeal

shàng tiáo上调raise

shàng shù上述the aforementioned

shàng xiàn上限maximum

sàng shēng丧生meet one's death

shāng shì伤势the condition of an injury/wound

shāng gǎn伤感sad

shāng cán伤残be damaged/defective; wounded and disabled

shāng hén伤痕scar; psychological trauma

shāng nǎo jīn伤脑筋be knotty

shǎ guā傻瓜blockhead; easy to use

rú xué儒学Confucianism; Confucian school

rú jiā儒家Confucianism

rù qīn入侵invade; something harmful entering into the interior

rù chǎng入场enter; admission

rù chǎng quàn入场券admission/entrance ticket; prerequisite of something

rù jìng入境enter a country

rù shǒu入手begin with; obtain

rù xuǎn入选be selected

rǒng cháng冗长lengthy


shān chú删除delete

shā chē刹车brake; apply the brakes

shāng tǎo商讨discuss

shāng fàn商贩pedlar

shāng gǔ商贾merchant

shànsatisfactory; virtuous

shàn yì善意kindness

sǎng zi嗓子throat; voice

rú shí如实truthfully

rú yì如意be gratified; ruyi, an S shaped ornamental object, usually made of jade, formerly a symbol of good luck

sǎo zi嫂子elder sister-in-law; wife of one's friend

shān gāng山冈mound

shān zhài山寨mountain fastness/stronghold/fortress; fortified mountain village

shān lǐng山岭ridge

shān chuān山川land

shān lù山路mountain path

shān dǐng山顶the summit/top of a mountain

ruò shì弱势tendency of weakening; the disadvantaged

ruò diǎn弱点weakness

sǎo xìng扫兴have one's spirits dampened

sǎo mù扫墓pay tribute to a dead person at his tomb

sǎo miáo扫描scan; cast a quick glance

sǎo chú扫除clean; remove

róurub; roll

let go; let oneself go

sā huǎng撒谎lie

shàn zì擅自act without authorization

shàn cháng擅长be good at

sàn fā散发emit; distribute

sàn bù散布be scattered; spread

shā hài杀害murder

shā shǒu杀手killer; formidable/vigorous player

róu hé柔和mild; soft

róu ruǎn柔软soft

sāng ná桑拿sauna

shā tān沙滩sand

shā lóng沙龙salon

rùnmoisten; smooth

róng jiě溶解dissolve

shān dòng煽动incite

ruì xuě瑞雪auspicious snow

shā táng砂糖granulated sugar

shāisieve; separate or sift out coarse particles and retain the fine by means of a sieve or screen

shāi xuǎn筛选choose by means of a sift

shāyarn; gauze

shàn shí膳食food

ruò gān若干a certain number or amount; how many/much

róngmelt; blend

róng huà融化melt

róng qià融洽harmonious

sài pǎo赛跑race; dash

sài chē赛车car/motorcycle/bicycle racing; racing car/motorcycle/bicycle

shàn yǎng赡养support

ruǎn shí lì软实力soft power

ruǎn ruò软弱weak; effete

shǎn shuò闪烁flash; equivocate

sāo luàn骚乱turmoil

sāo rǎo骚扰harass

shā yú鲨鱼shark

sān wéi三维three-dimensional

sēng rén僧人Buddhist monk

rú yuàn yǐ cháng如愿以偿have one's wish fulfilled

rú zuì rú chī如醉如痴as if intoxicated and stupefied

shàng fāng上方superjacent

shài tài yáng晒太阳sunbathe

rú guǒ shuō如果说if

shàng qī上期last period