New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

rén wéi人为make; artificial

rén shì人事what is humanly possible; ways of the world

rén tǐ人体human body

rén pǐn人品moral standing; appearance

rén jūn人均per capita

rén gōng zhì néng人工智能artificial intelligence

rén xìng人性humanity; human feelings and reason

rén qíng人情human feelings; favour

rén shǒu人手hand

rén wén人文human culture

rén gé人格personality; moral character

rén cì人次person-time

rén qì人气breath of life; popularity

rén yuán r人缘儿popularity

rén xíng dào人行道footpath

rén zhì人质hostage

rén shēn人身person

rén xuǎn人选candidate

rén zào人造man-made

rén dào人道humanity; humane

rén cí仁慈benevolence; kind

rèn mìng任命commission; appointment

rèn yì任意wantonly; arbitrary

rèn qī任期term of service

rèn zhí任职hold office/a position/a post

quán lì yǐ fù全力以赴do one's utmost

quán jú全局situation as a whole

quán xīn quán yì全心全意wholeheartedly

quán wén全文full text

quán fāng wèi全方位multi-faceted

quán chéng全程entire journey; during the whole activity

quán néng全能all-powerful; all-round

quàn gào劝告counsel; advice

quàn shuō劝说persuade

quàn zǔ劝阻advise somebody not to do something

qù xiàng去向whereabouts

qù chù去处whereabouts; site

qù chú去除get rid of

qǔ nuǎn取暖warm oneself

qǔ xiào取笑make fun of

qǔ jīng取经go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures; learn from somebody else's experience

qǔ shèng取胜win victory

rǎngshout; bawl

quān tào圈套snare

quān zi圈子circle; clique


róng guāng huàn fā容光焕发glowing with health

róng rěn容忍condone

róng nà容纳hold; tolerate

róng xǔ容许allow; perhaps

róng liàng容量capacity

róng yán容颜complexion

rěn xīn忍心hard-hearted

rěn nài忍耐exercise restraint

invite or ask for; offend

rǎo luàn扰乱disturb

quánfist; curl

quán tou拳头fist; with high quality and strong competitiveness

rì qián日前the other day

rì hòu日后in the days to come

rì xīn yuè yì日新月异change rapidly

rì yì日益increasingly

rì chéng日程schedule

rì qū日趋day by day

quán wēi权威authority; person or organ of authority

quán yì权益rights and interests

quán héng权衡sliding weight and beam of a steelyard; balance

rè dài热带the tropics

rè qì热气steam; ardency

rè cháo热潮upsurge

rè téng téng热腾腾piping hot; bustling with noise and excitement

rè zhōng热衷hanker after/for; be fond of

rán fàng燃放set off

rán qì燃气fuel gas

rán yóu燃油fuel oil

què xìn确信firmly believe; reliable information

què záo确凿authentic

què qiè确切definite; true

què zhěn确诊diagnose

quē kǒu缺口breach; gap

quē shī缺失defect; be short of

quē xí缺席be absent

róng xìng荣幸privilege

róng huò荣获be awarded

róng yù荣誉credit

rèn zhī认知cognition; cognitive

rèn zhèng认证certify

rèn cuò认错acknowledge a mistake; mistake

ràng bù让步give in

qù wèi趣味interest; preference

rèn xìng韧性toughness; persistence

ráolet somebody off; rich

ráo shù饶恕forgive

quán cháng全长full length

rěn jī ái è忍饥挨饿starving

rè qì qiú热气球fire balloon

rào xíng绕行detour; circle

rèn rén zǎi gē任人宰割be on somebody's chopping block

rì fù yī rì日复一日day after day

qǔ jué yú取决于depend on