New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

qiějust; for a long time

qiū líng丘陵hills

qiáo zhuāng乔装disguise

qīn yǒu亲友relatives and friends

qīn hé lì亲和力affinity

qīn qíng亲情affectionate feelings

qīn qi亲戚relative

qīn shǒu亲手personally

qīn rè亲热affectionate; show love through action

qīn shēng亲生give birth to; biological

qīn shēn亲身personal

qīn jìn亲近close;be friends with somebody

qīn zhàn侵占embezzle; invade and occupy another country's territory

qīn hài侵害make inroads on; harm or damage by force or by illegal means

qīn quán侵权infringe on somebody's rights

qīn lüè侵略invade

qīng tīng倾听be all ears for

qīng jiā dàng chǎn倾家荡产be reduced to poverty and ruin

qīng xié倾斜incline; be in favour of

qīng sù倾诉give vent to

qīng xiāo倾销dumping

qiē gē切割cut; cut metal

qiè shēn切身of immediate concern/interest to oneself/somebody; personally

qiē chú切除excise

qín láo勤劳industrious

qín gōng jiǎn xué勤工俭学part-work and part-study; a form to run schools that advocates the part-work and part-study education system

qín kuai勤快diligent

qǔ dài取代replace; substitution

qǔ dì取缔ban

qǔ ér dài zhī取而代之replace

qiú fàn囚犯prisoner

qǐn shì寝室dormitory

qū fú屈服give in

qiǎo hé巧合a sheer coincidence

qìng diǎn庆典celebration

qìng xìng庆幸rejoice

qìng hè庆贺congratulate

qiáng zhì强制coerce

qiáng jiā强加impose

qiáng jìng强劲forceful

qiáng zhàn强占seize; occupy by force of arms

qiáng yìng强硬tough

qiáng xíng强行force

qiáng xiàng强项forte; resolute and unbending

qíngfeeling; love

qíng bù zì jīn情不自禁be seized with a sudden impulse to

qíng rén情人lover

qíng lǚ情侣sweethearts

qíng huái情怀feelings

qíng yì情意affection

qíng bào情报intelligence

qíng jié情结complex

qíng diào情调sentiment

qíng yì情谊friendship

qiǎng jié抢劫loot

qiǎng duó抢夺snatch

qiǎng yǎn抢眼eye-catching

qiàojemmy; poach

qiāo zhà敲诈blackmail

qiāo biān gǔ敲边鼓speak or act to assist somebody from the sidelines

qu; song

qū zhé曲折intricate; complicated

qū xiàn曲线curve; contours

qiāng bì枪毙execute by shooting; shoot down

qiú zhù求助turn to/ask somebody for help

qiú yī求医seek medical advice

qiú hūn求婚make an offer of marriage

qiú xué求学go to school; seek knowledge

qiú jiù求救ask somebody to come to the rescue

qiú zhèng求证seek to prove

qīng liáng清凉cool and refreshing

qīng dān清单inventory

qīng xīn清新pure and fresh; original

qīng míng清明clear and bright; well regulated

qīng xī清晰clear

qīng dàn清淡light; not greasy or strongly flavored

qīng zhēn sì清真寺mosque

qīng cuì清脆clear and melodious/mellow; crisp and fresh

qīng chú清除clear away

qīng jìng清静quiet

qiáo bu qǐ瞧不起despise

qiè qǔ窃取usurp

qiào mén窍门key

qiàostick up

qiāngcavity; tune

qǐng tiě请帖invitation card

qǐng jiǎn请柬written invitation

qū yú趋于tend to

qīng xíng轻型light

qīng wēi轻微light

qīng ér yì jǔ轻而易举be as easy as rolling off a log

qīng miè轻蔑be contemptuous

qīn pèi钦佩admire

qīng chūn qī青春期puberty

qīng wā青蛙frog

qū dòng驱动drive; drive away

qū zhú驱逐banish

qiē duàn切断cut off


qīn péng hǎo yǒu亲朋好友one's relatives and close friends