New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

jiāo fù交付pay; hand over

jiāo chā交叉cross; be similar

jiāo xiǎng yuè交响乐symphonic music

jiāo tóu jiē ěr交头接耳speak in each other's ears

jiāo qing交情friendly relations

jiāo jiē交接join; hand over and take over

jiāo tì交替supersede; alternate

jiāo shè交涉negotiate

jiāo jiè交界have a common boundary

jiāo nà交纳hand in

jiāo tán交谈chat

jiāo fēng交锋engage in a battle; cross swords

jiāo jí交集be mixed; intersection

jiàn zhuàng健壮healthy and strong

jiàn měi健美healthy and fit; body-building

jiāngstiff; deadlocked

jiāng huà僵化ossify

jiāng jú僵局stalemate

jiānsimultaneously; hold/do two or more jobs concurrently

jiān rèn兼任hold a concurrent post; part-time

jiān róng兼容be compatible

jiān zhí兼职hold a concurrent post; concurrent post

jiān gù兼顾give consideration to two or more things at the same time

jiǎn miǎn减免mitigate or annul a punishment; exempt

jiǎn yā减压reduce pressure

jiǎn ruò减弱abate

jiǎn sù减速decelerate

jiào hǎo叫好applaud

jiào bǎn叫板rhyme the last sentence of a spoken part to introduce a vocal passage; challenge


jiǎng pǐn奖品prize

jiǎng bēi奖杯cup

jiǎng pái奖牌medal

jiǎng xiàng奖项prize

jiāngginger; rhizome of the ginger plant

jiāo guàn娇惯pamper

jiāo qì娇气delicate; easily broken or damaged

jiàn jiāo建交establish diplomatic relations

jiàn shù建树contribute; attainment

jiàn zhù wù建筑物building


jiǎodisturb; mix

jiǎo bàn搅拌stir

jiǎn chá检察prosecute; procuratorial work

jiǎn tǎo检讨make a self-criticism; inspect

jiāoirrigate; pour liquid on


jiāoburnt; dry

jiāo jí焦急anxious

jiāo lǜ焦虑extremely anxious

jiāo jù焦距focal distance/length

jiāo zào焦躁anxious and agitated

jiānfry in shallow oil without stirring; decoct

jiǎo huá狡猾crafty

jiān hù监护guardianship; observe and nurse

jiān kòng监控monitor and control; supervise and control

jiān yù监狱prison

jiān shì监视keep watch on

jiǎo zhèng矫正correct

jiāo shí礁石reef

jiǎn tǐ zì简体字simplified Chinese character

jiǎn huà简化simplify

jiǎn yì简易simple and easy; simply constructed

jiǎn jié简洁succinct

jiǎn duǎn简短brief

jiǎn chēng简称abbreviation; be abbreviated to

jiǎn yào简要brief and to the point

jiǎn lòu简陋simple and crude

jiǎowring; wring

jiǎohand over in; capture

jiǎo nà缴纳pay

jiāo náng胶囊capsule

jiāo shuǐ胶水mucilage

jiàn yì yǒng wéi见义勇为act bravely for a just cause

jiàn rén jiàn zhì见仁见智opinions differ

jiàn wài见外treat somebody as an outsider

jiàn xiào见效take effect

jiàn jiě见解view

jiàn zhèng见证witness; witness

jiàn shi见识enrich one's experience; experience

jiàn qián yǎn kāi见钱眼开be hungry for money

jiǎo luò角落corner; remote place

jiǎng xué讲学discourse on an academic subject

jiǎng jiě讲解explain

jiǎng shù讲述give an account of

jiànlow-priced; lowly

jiào chē轿车carriage; bus

jiào jìn较劲match strength; set oneself against

jiāo wài郊外outskirts

jiāo yóu郊游go for an outing

jiàn yú鉴于since; in view of

jiàn bié鉴别differentiate

jiàn shǎng鉴赏appreciate

jiàn duàn间断be disconnected/interrupted

jiàn dié间谍spy

jiàn gé间隔interval; separate

jiàn xì间隙gap; clearance

jiàng lín降临befall

jiàn zhù shī建筑师architect

jiǎo fèi缴费pay