借口use as an excuse/a pretext; excuse
借用borrow and use; use something for another purpose
戒备physically be on the alert; psychologically take precautions against
接班take one's turn on duty; follow in the steps of
接轨connect the rails; bring in line with
教条dogma; principles accepted or applied blindly and thoughtlessly, based on sheer belief
禁不住be unable to bear/endure/stand; be unable to refrain from
禁区forbidden zone/region/ground; preserve
竭力use every ounce of one's energy
结尾ending; bring to a conclusion
结识get acquainted with somebody
节衣缩食economize/scrimp on food and clothing
茎stalk; a thing like a stem or stalk
解剖dissect; analyse something deeply
解围lift/raise a siege; help somebody out of a predicament
解脱mukti; free/extricate/liberate oneself
阶梯stairs; means of advancement
进出口imports and exports; exits and entrances
截然不同different as black and white