New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

jiè rù介入intervene

jiè yì介意mind

jiè zhù借助have the help of

jiè kǒu借口use as an excuse/a pretext; excuse

jiè tiáo借条receipt for a loan

jiè yòng借用borrow and use; use something for another purpose

jiérob; coerce

jié chí劫持hold under duress

jìn tóu劲头strength; vigour

jìnfinish; reach the limit

jìn tóu尽头end

jìn qíng尽情as much as one likes

jǐn zǎo尽早as early as possible

jiè shí届时when the time comes

jiè bèi戒备physically be on the alert; psychologically take precautions against

jiè zhi戒指ring

jiésever; check

jiē èr lián sān接二连三one after another

jiē lì接力work by relays

jiē tīng接听answer

jiē shǒu接手take up matters; catcher

jiē tì接替replace

jiē jì接济give material assistance

jiē bān接班take one's turn on duty; follow in the steps of

jiē bān rén接班人successor

jiē nà接纳admit; accept

jiē jiàn接见receive

jiē guǐ接轨connect the rails; bring in line with

jiē fā揭发reveal

jiē xiǎo揭晓make known

jiē shì揭示announce; reveal

jiē lù揭露expose

jiào yǎng教养bring up; upbringing

jiào tiáo教条dogma; principles accepted or applied blindly and thoughtlessly, based on sheer belief

jiào kē shū教科书textbook

jìn shēng晋升promote to a higher office

jié jìng洁净clean

jīn tiē津贴subsidy; pay an allowance

jìn pào浸泡immerse

jiè dìng界定define; delimit

jiè xiàn界线boundary line

jiè xiàn界限range; end


jīn bù zhù禁不住be unable to bear/endure/stand; be unable to refrain from

jìn qū禁区forbidden zone/region/ground; preserve

jìn jì禁忌taboo; contraindication

jié lì竭力use every ounce of one's energy

jīnmuscle; tendon

jǐn còu紧凑compact

jǐn suō紧缩reduce

jǐn quē紧缺in short supply

jǐn pò紧迫pressing

jiétie; knot

jié wěi结尾ending; bring to a conclusion

jié jú结局outcome

jié jīng结晶crystallize; crystal

jié guǒ结果result; at last

jié shí结识get acquainted with somebody

jié jiǎn节俭thrifty

jié qi节气solar term

jié yī suō shí节衣缩食economize/scrimp on food and clothing

jīngstalk; a thing like a stem or stalk

jiě tǐ解体disintegrate; collapse

jiě pōu解剖dissect; analyse something deeply

jiě wéi解围lift/raise a siege; help somebody out of a predicament

jiě jiù解救rescue

jiě sàn解散dismiss; dissolve

jiě xī解析analysis

jiě dá解答answer

jiě tuō解脱mukti; free/extricate/liberate oneself

jiě dú解读read; analyse

jiě gù解雇dismiss

jǐn shèn谨慎prudent

jiào liàng较量have a contest; haggle

jìn xiū进修take a refresher course

jìn chū进出get/go in and out; turnover

jìn dù进度rate of progress; schedule

jìn chéng进程progress

jìn ér进而after that

jīn zi金子gold

jīn zì tǎ金字塔pyramid

jīn shǔ金属metal

jǐn qí锦旗silk banner

jiē céng阶层stratum; social stratum whose members come from different social classes but who share a common feature

jiē tī阶梯stairs; means of advancement

jiē jí阶级steps; rank

jiè yú介于be situated between

jiē sòng接送pick up

jiē tōng接通connect

jīn jīn yǒu wèi津津有味with keen pleasure

jié bīng结冰freeze

jié shuǐ节水economize on water

jìn chū kǒu进出口imports and exports; exits and entrances

jìn chǎng进场get into; approach

jié rán bù tóng截然不同different as black and white

jié jìn quán lì竭尽全力do one's utmost

jiè yān戒烟abstain/refrain from smoking

jǐn cì yú仅次于rank only next/second to

jǐn jiē zhe紧接着next to

jìn nián lái近年来in recent years