New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

jǔ lì举例give/provide an example

jǔ bào举报inform against

jǔ cuò举措act

jiǔ yǎng久仰I've long looked forward to meeting you

jiǔ wéi久违have not met/seen for a long time

jīng jīng yè yè兢兢业业be cautious and conscientious

jìng huà净化purify

jìng dì境地situation; state

jìng jiè境界boundary; realm

jìng yù境遇circumstances

jiù rèn就任take up one's post

jiù yī就医go to hospital

jiù dì就地on the spot

jiù zuò就座be seated

jiù zhí就职assume/take office

jiù zhěn就诊see a doctor

jiù dú就读attend school

jiù jìn就近nearby

jiù cān就餐dine

jú shì局势situation

jú bù局部part

jú xiàn局限limit

jū gāo lín xià居高临下occupy a commanding position; be commanding/condescending

jīngbe frightened; alarm

jīng tàn惊叹marvel at

jīng tiān dòng dì惊天动地extremely loud; earth-shaking

jīng qí惊奇wonder

jīng xīn dòng pò惊心动魄profoundly affecting

jīng huāng惊慌alarmed

jīng yà惊讶amazed

jīng chà惊诧amazed

jīng xiǎn惊险alarmingly dangerous

jū shù拘束restrict; constrained

jū liú拘留detain

jiūhold tight; pull out and uncover

jiù zhì救治treat and cure

jiù jì救济provide/send/extend relief to

jìngrespect; offer politely

jìng yè敬业be dedicated/devoted to one's work/career

jìng pèi敬佩admire

jìng yì敬意respect

jìng ài敬爱respect and love

jìng lǐ敬礼salute

jìng ér yuǎn zhī敬而远之stay at a respectful distance from somebody

jìng zhòng敬重deeply respect

jǐng qū景区scenic spot/area

jǐng guān景观scenery; sight

jīng yíng晶莹glittering and translucent

jú zi橘子tangerine tree

jǔ sàng沮丧dejected; depress

jiǒng pò窘迫poverty-stricken; embarrassed

jìng jì竞技compete in athletics

jìng xiāng竞相eagerly

jìng xuǎn竞选run for

jìngfinish; throughout

jīng huá精华essence; brilliance

jīng miào精妙ingenious

jīng xīn精心meticulous

jīng dǎ xì suàn精打细算budget carefully

jīng míng精明sagacious

jīng pí lì jié精疲力竭worn out

jīng yì qiú jīng精益求精constantly strive for perfection

jīng què精确accurate

jīng shén bìng精神病mental disease

jīng jiǎn精简simplify

jīng liàn精练concise, without redundant words and expressions; #$

jīng xì精细fine; clever and meticulous

jīng zhì精致exquisite

jīng yīng精英outstanding figures; essence

jīng tōng精通master

jīng suǐ精髓essence

jiū chán纠缠get entangled; pester

jīng shòu经受undergo

jīng shāng经商be in business

jīng dù经度longitude

jīng mào经贸economy and trade

jiù jiu舅舅mother's brother

jīng jí荆棘thorny undergrowth

jú huā菊花chrysanthemum; asshole

jǐng guān警官police officer

jǐng tì警惕be on guard against

jǐng chē警车police van

jǐng zhōng警钟tocsin; warning

jiǔ lóu酒楼restaurant

jiǔ jīng酒精alcohol

jìng zhǐ静止motionless

jū gōng鞠躬bow; in a discreet and scrupulous manner

jìng nèi境内area inside the borders

jìng wài境外area outside the borders

jīng huāng shī cuò惊慌失措be frightened out of one's wits

jiù hù chē救护车ambulance

jìng qǐng敬请invite respectfully

jìng jiǔ敬酒propose a toast

jìng gǎn竟敢have the audacity

jǔ shì wén míng举世闻名of world renown

jīng jiǔ bù xī经久不息prolonged

jǐng bù颈部neck

jū mín lóu居民楼dwelling building

jīnglongitude; warp

jīng xǐng惊醒wake up with a start; rouse suddenly from sleep