两栖amphibious; be engaged in two fields/spheres
亮丽bright and beautiful; beautiful
亮点luminescent spot; brightened dot
亮相strike a pose on the stage; make one's debut
凌晨early/small/wee hours of the morning
力争strive to do something; argue strongly
力求do one's best to do something
励志be determined to fulfill one's aspirations
历届all previous sessions, governments, congresses, etc.
廉政make a government honest and clean
怜惜feel tender and protective toward
恋恋不舍be reluctant to bid farewell
烈士martyr; a person of high endeavor
立交桥bridge or other passageway over a road or railway for vehicles towards all directions
立足gain/keep a foothold; base oneself upon
连任be reappointed or reelected consecutively
连夜that very night; continue for several night in a row
零钱small change; pocket/spending money
领军command an army; play a leading role in a trade or group
领队lead a group; group/tour leader