New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

luàn qī bā zāo乱七八糟at sixes and sevens

lún lǐ伦理ethics

lǔ wèi卤味pot-stewed fowl, chicken, duck, etc. served cold

luǎnovum; fertilized egg of an insect, the first stage of the development of the life cycle of an insect

lǒng duàn垄断monopolize

mái fú埋伏lie in ambush; ambush

mái mò埋没bury; bury

mái cáng埋藏bury; hide

luán shēng孪生twin; hemitropism

time and again

lǚ cì屡次time and again

lǚ xíng履行carry out

lù zhì录制record

lüè duó掠夺pillage

lǚ chéng旅程itinerary

lǚ tú旅途journey

liú xiàng流向direction of a current; direction of the flow of people, commodities, etc.

liú yù流域basin

liú shī流失run off; flow away

liú máng流氓rogue; immoral behaviour

liú shuǐ流水running water; turnover

liú làng流浪roam about

liú tǎng流淌run

liú chàng流畅smooth

liú chéng流程distance traveled by a stream of water; technological process

liú xuè流血bleed; be injured

liú zhuǎn流转roam; circulate

liú liàng流量rate; flow of traffic

liú lù流露betray

lú zi炉子stove

lú zào炉灶kitchen/cooking range

shuàicommand; follow

liú xīn留心be careful

liú niàn留念do as a memento

liú liàn留恋be reluctant to leave

liú yì留意be careful

liú shén留神take care

lüèsummary; strategy

lüè wēi略微slightly

a sign or thing indicating number; an instrument used to indicate number

a sign or thing indicating number; an instrument used to indicate number

lóng zi笼子coop; basket

lǒng tǒng笼统sweeping

lǒng zhào笼罩envelop

lǜ dì绿地green

lǜ dēng绿灯green light , installed at crossroads for the passing of traffic; permission to go ahead with some project

thread; in detail

luóa net for catching birds; catch birds with a net


lú huā芦花reed catkins

luó bo萝卜turnip radish

luò dì落地land; be born

luò chā落差drop; gap

luò hù落户settle down; register for permanent residence

luó sī螺丝screw

luǒbe exposed/naked

luǒ lù裸露be exposed/uncovered

lùn tán论坛forum

lùn zhèng论证proof; expound and prove

lùn shù论述expound

lù rén路人stranger

lù kuàng路况road conditions

lù zi路子approach; social connections

lù duàn路段section of a highway or railway

lù dēng路灯street lamp

lù chéng路程distance; course of development

lù tú路途road; distance travelled

lù miàn路面pavement

lún kuò轮廓contour; general/rough idea

lún huàn轮换take turns

lún liú轮流take turns

lún tāi轮胎shoe

liùwalk leisurely; walk


lóng zhòng隆重grand

lù tiān露天outdoors; without covering above

lòu miàn露面show one's face

mǎ lì马力horsepower

mǎ hòu pào马后炮belated action or advice

mǎ xì马戏circus

mǎ tǒng马桶toilet

mǎ hu马虎careless

lǔ mǎng鲁莽crude and rash

鹿deer; state power

má jiàng麻将mahjong

má mù麻木numb; apathetic

má bì麻痹paralysis; numbed

má là麻辣hot and spicy

má zuì麻醉anaesthetize; corrupt

lóng zhōu龙舟dragon boat

liú lèi流泪weep

general name for hemp, flax, jute, etc.; fiber of hemp, flax, etc. for textile materials

general name for hemp, flax, jute, etc.; fiber of hemp, flax, etc. for textile materials

liǔ shù柳树willow

liú rù流入discharge/flow into; inflow

luò yì bù jué络绎不绝in an endless stream

luò xià落下ecptoma


lǒuembrace; perimeter of the rough circle formed by the two arms in a hugging position

lóng rén聋人deaf person