New HSK level 789-3

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 3.

yǔ qí与其better than

yǔ rì jù zēng与日俱增be steadily on the increase

yǔ shí jù jìn与时俱进keep pace with the times

yǔ yǐ予以give

remain;more than

yú dì余地room

yú é余额vacancies yet to be filled; balance

yuán xiāo jié元宵节the Lantern Festival

yuán lǎo元老senior statesman

yuán shǒu元首monarch; head of state

yuānwrong; fool

yuān wang冤枉unfair; treat unjustly or unfairly

yuán chuàng原创initiate; original creation

yuán xíng原型prototype

yuán běn原本original version from which a translation is done; a copy of the first edition

yuán cái liào原材料raw and processed materials

yuán zhī yuán wèi原汁原味original taste and flavor

yuán zhuāng原装factory assembled; original packing

yǒu rén友人friend

yǒu shàn友善friendly

yǒu qíng友情friendship

yǔ zhòu宇宙universe; world

yù yì寓意moral

yù yán寓言fable

yóu wéi尤为especially

yòu zhì幼稚young; naive

yuàn hèn怨恨be extremely dissatisfied with somebody or something; enmity

yuàn qì怨气complaint

yù hé愈合heal

yù yǎn yù liè愈演愈烈grow in intensity

yú gōng yí shān愚公移山do seemingly impossible things with dogged perseverance and succeed eventually

yú chǔn愚蠢silly

yǒu liǎng xià zi有两下子know one's stuff

yǒu kǒu wú xīn有口无心be sharp-tongued but not malicious

yǒu shēng yǒu sè有声有色full of sound and color

yǒu xìng有幸fortunate

yǒu xù有序orderly

yǒu dài有待await

yǒu yì有意have a mind to; take a fancy to somebody

yǒu xiào qī有效期validity period; time of efficacy

yǒu wàng有望be hopeful

yǒu zhāo yī rì有朝一日in the days to come

yǒu jī有机organic; intrinsic

yǒu dì fàng shǐ有的放矢shoot the arrow at the target

yǒu yì有益beneficial

yù wàng欲望desire

yóu huà油画oil painting

yù shì浴室bath; public bath

yuān yuán渊源origin; academic inheritance

yú mín渔民fisherman

yú chuán渔船fishing boat

yóu chuán游船pleasure boat

yóu lǎn游览go sightseeing

yuán tóu源头source

yuán quán源泉source; source

yóu rú犹如be similar to

yóu lái由来origin; up to now

yóu zhōng由衷heartfelt

yuán fèn缘分lot or luck by which people are put together; destiny or luck as conditioned by one's past

yú lùn舆论public opinion

yǔ qì语气tone; mood

yòu rén诱人alluring; induce

yòu fā诱发bring out; cause to occur

yòu huò诱惑entice; attract

yòu ěr诱饵bait

yuǎn chéng远程long-distance; remote

yuǎn jiàn远见foresight

yú qī逾期exceed the deadline

yù xiǎn遇险meet with a mishap

yù nàn遇难be persecuted to death; face danger

yóu zhèng邮政postal service

yóu biān邮编postcode

yù zhào预兆harbinger; be an omen

yù xiān预先in advance

yù gào预告herald; advance notice

yù shòu预售pre-sell

yù dìng预定predetermine

yù gǎn预感forebode; premonition

yù liào预料predict; prediction

yù shì预示indicate

yù suàn预算budget; make/prepare a budget

yù jiàn预见foresee; foresight

yù yán预言predict; prediction

yù sài预赛trial match

yǔ zhòng bù tóng与众不同be out of the ordinary

yǔ cǐ tóng shí与此同时at the same time

yuán dì原地same place

yuán xíng圆形circular

yǒu zhù yú有助于contribute to

yǒu suǒ有所to some extent

yuán yú源于originated from

yóu cǐ kě jiàn由此可见This proves.

yóu cǐ kàn lái由此看来judging from this

yuǎn jìn wén míng远近闻名be known to all, far and near

yuán yuán bù duàn源源不断continuously

yóu yù bù jué犹豫不决be in a quandary

yǒu suǒ bù tòng有所不同be somewhat different

yǔ fǒu与否whether or not

yù lái yù愈来愈more and more

yù shang遇上run into