New HSK level 789-3

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 3.

yuè qì乐器musical instrument

zhài wù债务debt

zài dù再度a second time

zài xiàn再现reappear

záochisel; cut a hole

rule; standard

rule; standard

zhān bǔ占卜practise divination

zhàn yòng占用occupy and use

zào shēng噪声noise

zào yīn噪音noise

zài yì在意care about

zài xiàn在线be online; controlled by a certain system

zài zhí在职be at one's post

zēng shōu增收increase/raise revenues

zēng tiān增添add

yùn fù孕妇pregnant woman

yùn yù孕育be pregnant with; inoculation

zǎiprefect; rule

zhǎn chū展出exhibit

zhǎn wàng展望look into the distance; look into the future

yuè mǔ岳母wife's mother

yuè fù岳父wife's father

zhǎn xīn崭新completely new

zhàng peng帐篷tent

zhāng yáng张扬publicize

zhāng dēng jié cǎi张灯结彩be gay with lanterns and decorations

zhāng tiē张贴placard

yuàn yán怨言complaint

yuè ěr悦耳sweet

zhā gēn扎根put down roots; take or strike root

zhǎng guǎn掌管be in charge of


zhǎnchop; blackmail

zhǎn cǎo chú gēn斩草除根cut the weeds and dig up the roots

zǎo nián早年the past; one's early years

zǎo rì早日soon; in the past

zànbrief; temporarily

yuēsay; call

yuè chū月初beginning of a month

yuè piào月票monthly ticket

zá luàn wú zhāng杂乱无章chaotic

zá jiāo杂交hybridize

zá jì杂技acrobatics

zǎoChinese date

zāitransplant; young plant

zāi péi栽培cultivate; foster

zhàpress for extracting juice, oil, etc.; press

zhānmoisten; be stained with

zhān guāng沾光benefit from association with somebody or something

zhā zi渣子dregs

zhǎna small cup; cup-shaped utensil

zhǎ yǎn眨眼blink; blink of an eye

zhān yǎng瞻仰look at with reverence

pound; crush

zhǎinarrow; petty

zhàn lì站立stand

zhānstick; glue

yuē dìng sú chéng约定俗成established by popular usage

zhàn fàng绽放burst into full bloom

zàngbury; disposal of the body of the deceased according to customs

zàng lǐ葬礼funeral

yùn hán蕴涵entail; implication

yùn cáng蕴藏be held underground

zhàndip in

zhà piàn诈骗swindle

zé bèi责备reproach

zé guài责怪blame

zéithief; traitor

zàn bù jué kǒu赞不绝口praise handsomely

zàn tàn赞叹highly praise

zàn tóng赞同applaud

zàn yáng赞扬speak highly of

zàn měi赞美praise

zàn xǔ赞许speak favourably of

yuè fā越发all the more; the more...the more...

yuè guò越过cross

zài tǐ载体isotopic carrier; medium

yùn hé运河canal

yùn yíng运营be in operation; operate in an organized way

yùn zhuǎn运转rotate; be in operation

yùn sòng运送convey

zào jià造价cost of construction

zào jiǎ造假counterfeit

zào jiù造就create; achievements

zào fú造福benefit

zāo yāng遭殃suffer

yùn niàng酝酿brew; deliberate on

zhǎng xiàng长相appearance

zhǎng bèi长辈elder member of a family

zháfloodgate; dam up a stream, river, etc.

yuè lì阅历see, hear or do for oneself; experience

yuàn shì院士academician

yǔn shí陨石meteorolite

yùn wèi韵味quality of musical sound/tone; lasting appeal

zhǎn lǎn huì展览会exhibition

yūn dǎo晕倒collapse in a faint

zàn tàn bù yǐ赞叹不已be full of praise

zào zhǐ shù造纸术paper making technology

zháfry in deep fat or oil; scald