传统tradition; of a long history
伯母aunt; general term of address for a woman of one's mother's generation
伯父uncle; a general term of address for a man of one's father's generation
兄elder brother; elder male relative of the same generation
名胜place famous for its scenery or historical relics
外地part of the country other than where one lives
大同Great Harmony; common ground over major issues
小吃refreshment; small and cheap dishes
师傅master worker; honorific title for one with accomplished skill
技术technology; technical equipment
报名sign up; name of a newspaper
沿途on the way; the area near the road
称呼address; form of address in somebody's presence
糟dregs; pickle food with wine or grains
趟procession; for a street or things arranged in a row
麻烦troublesome; put somebody to trouble
少林寺temple in Mount Songshan of Henan Province where Shaolin boxing was developed