
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.wear something on the head, face, neck, chest, arm, etc.

    • tā zǒng shì dài zhe yī fù hēi yǎn jìng chuān zhe yī shēn hēi yī fu


      He always wears a pair of black glasses and black clothes.

    • tā tóu shang dài le yī duǒ hóng huā

      She was wearing a red flower in her hair.

    • tā dài shàng yǎn jìng


      He puts on his glasses.

  • 2

    v.respect; honour; support

    • ài dài


    • gǎn ēn dài dé

      feel deeply grateful

  • 3

    n.Dai, a surname

Words and phrases with 戴

Word usage

  • Note
    "戴" is different from "带". "带" means "carry with"; "戴" means "place the item on a certain part of the body that can perform its function". For example, "犯人戴着手铐" and "公安人员带着手铐" have different meanings.

Similar-form characters to 戴

Chinese Characters with pinyin dài

  • belt; take
  • historical period; era
  • wait for; be about to
  • borrow or lend; loan
  • bag; used for pipe smoking