
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    sltoss from side to side; harp on the same string; move from side to side

    • tā fān lái fù qù shuì bu zháo


      She kept tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

    • tā shuì jiào shí zǒng shì fān lái fù qù


      She always tosses and turns in her sleep.

    • nà ge bìng rén zài chuáng shang fān lái fù qù


      The sick man tossed and tumbled in his bed.

  • 2

    slagain and again; time and again

    • tā fān lái fù qù de huí yì nà tiān de shì


      He recalled the day over and over.

    • tǐ yù jiě shuō yuán fān lái fù qù de shuō zhe tóng yàng de cí yǔ zhēn fán


      It's annoying for sports commentators to say the same words over and over.

    • tā fān lái fù qù de xiǎng


      She turns over in her head.

Word usage

  • Note
    "翻来覆去" cannot be written as "翻来复去".