
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.amorous affair; rumour of a love affair; sex scandal

    • míng xīng fēi wén


      sex scandals of the star

    • zhè zhuāng fēi wén zuì zhōng shǐ tā shēn bài míng liè


      The sex scandal finally led to his downfall.

    • jǐn guǎn tā de fēi wén yī zhí liú chuán bù xī tā de qī zi réng rán zhī chí tā


      Despite persistent rumours of an affair, his wife stood by him.

Word usage

  • "绯闻" is often matched with measure word "次"or"段".
    • 绯闻

      one gossip

    • 绯闻

      one gossip

Chinese words with pinyin fei wen