
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    adj.bored; depressed; in low spirits; vexed; sad and silent; unhappy state of mind

    • nǐ bié mèn chū bìng lái

      You cannot be depressed into illness.

    • chóu mèn

      feel gloomy

    • yù mèn

      very depressed

  • 2

    adj.tightly closed; sealed

    • zhè li zhēn mèn

      The air here is terribly close.

    • kāi kāi chuāng ba wū li tài mèn le

      It's too stuffy in here so open the windows.

    • tiān qì fā mèn


      The weather is close.

Words and phrases with 闷

Word usage

  • Note
    When pronounced as "mèn", it is usually related to mood; when pronounced as "mēn", it is usually related to airtightness, such as "闷热".

Similar-form characters to 闷

Chinese Characters with pinyin mèn

  • cook on a low heat