
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.appreciate; enjoy; admire

    • tā hěn xīn shǎng zhè ge jiàn zhù de dú tè fēng gé


      She quite appreciated the distinct style of this building.

    • kè rén yī biān hē chá yī biān xīn shǎng chá jù shang de jīng měi tú àn


      Guests appreciate the delicate designs of the tea set while sipping tea.

    • wǒ méi yǒu shí jiān xīn shǎng yīn yuè


      I don't have time to enjoy music.

  • 2; value highly

    • wǒ xīn shǎng tā nà kāi lǎng de xìng gé


      What I like about him is his cheerful disposition.

    • tā hěn xīn shǎng tā de yǎn jì


      She had a lot of respect for him as an actor.

    • wǒ xīn shǎng nín zuò de shì qing


      I like what you're doing.

Word usage

  • Note
    "欣赏" is different from "观赏". "观赏" is only limited to experience through vision; "欣赏" is not limited to this.
  • "欣赏" can be reduplicated, for example: "欣赏欣赏 ".
    • 上次画展匆忙一定好好欣赏欣赏所有画作

      I have visited the art exhibition in a hurry last time. This time I will fully appreciate all the works.

Chinese words with pinyin xin shang