zuò bān

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.(usually referring to sitting in one's office) keep office hours; keep set office hours (where staff are required to be in their offices during certain hours)

    • dào gōng chǎng li zuò bān qù le


      go to the factory to keep office hours

    • zuò bān zhì


      office hours system

    • wǒ bù zuò bān


      My work hour is not fixed.

Word usage

  • "坐" and "班" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 一天

      I have been sitting in the office for all day.

    • 之前从来没有

      He has never kept office hours before.

    • 今天不了

      I can't sit in office today.