HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

wàn fēn万分very much

wánball; pill

wéi qī为期by a definite date; set a date

wéi nán为难feel embarrassed; make things difficult for

wū hēi乌黑jet-black

wěi zào伪造fabricate

wèi xīng卫星moon; artificial satellite

wēi jī危机crisis; critical moment

tūn tūn tǔ tǔ吞吞吐吐hesitant in speech

waan inflexion of 啊

wéi dú唯独only

tuò qì唾弃spurn

tuán tǐ团体team

tuán yuán团圆reunite; round

tuán jié团结unite; friendly

tú àn图案design

tǔ rǎng土壤soil

wài xiàng外向outgoing; export-oriented

wài jiè外界external/outside world; outside

wài háng外行lay; layman

wài biǎo外表exterior; personal appearance

wàng xiǎng妄想wishful thinking; vainly hope to do something

tuǒ xié妥协compromise

tuǒ shàn妥善appropriate

tuǒ dang妥当appropriate

wěi yuán委员member of a committee; commissioner

wěi tuō委托authorize

wēi xìn威信prestige

wēi lì威力might; mighty force, either constructive or destructive

wēi wàng威望prestige

wēi fēng威风might; imposing

wá wa娃娃baby

wán bèi完备complete

wán bì完毕end

wǎng shì往事past events

wǎng cháng往常former times

tú dì徒弟apprentice

wēi bù zú dào微不足道negligible

wēi guān微观microcosmic; microscopic

wǎn xī惋惜sympathetic

wèi wèn慰问express sympathy and solicitude for

tuō yùn托运consign for shipment

tóu zhì投掷throw

tóu jī投机agreeable; speculate

tóu piào投票vote

tóu sù投诉appeal; complain

tóu xiáng投降surrender

tuō yán拖延put off

wā jué挖掘excavate; probe

wǎn huí挽回reverse the unfavourable situation; redeem

wǎn jiù挽救save

tuī cè推测infer

tuī lǐ推理infer

tuī fān推翻overthrow; smash an old regime by force in order to bring about a complete change

tuī lùn推论infer; inference

tuī xiāo推销peddle

wén píng文凭diploma

wén wù文物historical relic

wén xiàn文献document with historical value; literature

wén yì文艺literature and art

wén yǎ文雅elegant

wú cháng无偿free

wú dòng yú zhōng无动于衷aloof and indifferent

wú bǐ无比matchless

wú jīng dǎ cǎi无精打采in low spirits

wú chǐ无耻shameless

wú gū无辜innocent; innocent person

wú fēi无非no more than

wèi miǎn未免truly; unavoidably

tuǒ yuán椭圆oval-shaped

wāi qū歪曲distort

wū miè污蔑slander; sully

tú mǒ涂抹paint; scribble

wēn hé温和temperate; mild

wēn dài温带temperate zone

wán nòng玩弄play/toy with; dally/trifle with

wán yì r玩意儿toy; thing

wǎ jiě瓦解disintegrate; destroy

wèi jù畏惧fear

bald; bare

tū pò突破concentrate one's forces on a point of attack or counterattack; break

nest; hideout

tóng huà童话children's stories

tǒng zhì统治rule; dominate

tǒng tǒng统统all

tǒng jì统计count; census

wéi hù维护safeguard; maintenance

wéi chí维持maintain; cover

wéi shēng sù维生素vitamin

tuō lí脱离separate oneself from

wèi lán蔚蓝azure

wū xiàn诬陷bring/make a false accusation against somebody

wéi bèi违背violate

tòu lù透露divulge; reveal

tú jìng途径channel

wèn shì问世be published; be marketed

wán gù顽固headstrong; refuse to change one's stand or correct one's mistake in terms of politics

wán qiáng顽强indomitable

wèiraise; send food into the mouth of a person

tǒng chóu jiān gù统筹兼顾overall planning and all-round consideration