HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

yán lì严厉strict

yán mì严密tight; carefully worked out

yán hán严寒freezing cold

yán jùn严峻stern; serious

yán jìn严禁strictly prohibit

yà jūn亚军runner-up

xìn yǎng信仰faith; believe in

xìn niàn信念faith

xìn yù信誉reputation

xìn lài信赖trust

xiū yǎng修养accomplishment; gentility

xiū fù修复repair; repair damaged cells or tissue

xiū jiàn修建build

xīng wàng兴旺flourish

xīng lóng兴隆prosperous

xìng gāo cǎi liè兴高采烈excited

xiōng è凶恶ferocious

xiōng shǒu凶手murderer

xíng shì刑事criminal

xuē ruò削弱weaken; weaken

yā zhì压制suppress; neutralize

yā suì qián压岁钱money given to children as a lunar New Year gift

yā yì压抑constrain; stifling

yā zhà压榨press; bleed white

yā suō压缩condense; cut down

yā pò压迫oppress; constrict

yàn wù厌恶abhor

xuān huá喧哗uproarious; make an uproar

xiù jué嗅觉smell; acute sense

xué wèi学位academic degree

xué shuō学说doctrine

xuān yáng宣扬advertise

xuān shì宣誓make a vow/pledge

xún mì寻觅look for

yán shí岩石rock

xún luó巡逻go on patrol

xù yán序言foreword

yán shēn延伸stretch

yán qī延期defer

yán xù延续continue

xíng tài形态form; morphology

xún xù jiàn jìn循序渐进take a progressive approach

xún huán循环circulate

xìng mìng性命life

xìng gǎn性感sexy

xìng néng性能performance

xuán niàn悬念suspense; audience involvement

xuán guà悬挂hang; suspension

xuán shū悬殊greatly disparate

yǎn hù掩护cover; blindage

yǎn gài掩盖cover; conceal

yǎn shì掩饰cover up; deception

xīn niáng新娘bride

xīn láng新郎bridegroom

xīn chén dài xiè新陈代谢metabolism; the old gives way to the new

xīn yǐng新颖new and original

xuán lǜ旋律melody; harmonious movement

xuán zhuǎn旋转rotate; reverse

xīn wèi欣慰be gratified

xīn xīn xiàng róng欣欣向荣thriving

xiōng yǒng汹涌tempestuous

yán hǎi沿海regions along the coast

yān mò淹没submerge; muffle the sound

yǎn xí演习manoeuvre

yǎn biàn演变develop

yǎn zòu演奏give an instrumental performance

yǎn yì演绎deduction; display

yán rè炎热scorching

xuàn yào炫耀dazzle; show off

xūn táo熏陶exert a gradual, uplifting influence on

xù mù畜牧rear livestock

yǎn guāng眼光eye; sight

yǎn shén眼神expression in one's eyes; eyesight

yǎn sè眼色look; ability to do as one sees fit

xiùembroider; embroidery

xiū chǐ羞耻disgraceful

xiōng huái胸怀chest; heart

xiōng táng胸膛chest

xīngraw meat or fish; fishy smell

xīn shui薪水salary

xū wěi虚伪hypocritical

xū jiǎ虚假false

xū róng虚荣vanity

xuè yā血压blood pressure

xíng zhèng行政administration; exercise the state power

yán lùn言论speech; discuss

xǔ kě许可allow

xīn qín辛勤industrious

xuǎn jǔ选举elect

xuǎn shǒu选手athlete

xuǎn bá选拔choose

xù jiǔ酗酒excessive drinking

xióng wěi雄伟grand; tall and sturdy

xióng hòu雄厚ample

xuě shàng jiā shuāng雪上加霜snow plus frost

xū qiú需求need

xū zhī须知points for attention; one should know that

yā què wú shēng鸦雀无声in perfect silence

xuán yá qiào bì悬崖峭壁steep cliff

xìng zhì bó bó兴致勃勃cheerful and energetic