New HSK level 5

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 5

diūthrow; put aside

gè r个儿height; individual/single object/person

fēng shōu丰收crop well

èr wéi mǎ二维码QR code

gū jì估计estimate

ér nǚ儿女sons and daughters; young men and women

guāng xiàn光线ray of light

guāng róng光荣glorious; glory

gōng gào公告public notice/announcement; give public notice

gōng shì公式formula; universally applicable method

gōng zhèng公正fair

gōng rèn公认accept

gòng xiǎng共享share

gòng jì共计total; discuss/plan together

guān huái关怀solicitude

guān jiàn关键door bar; key

guàn jūn冠军champion

dòngfreeze; feel very cold

fēn xiǎng分享share

fēn chéng分成group; divide by percentage

fēn xī分析analyse

fēn lí分离separate; leave

fēn lèi分类categorize; assortment

fēn jiě分解mediate; explain

dòng yuán动员arouse; mobilize

dòng tài动态trends; dynamic state

dòng shǒu动手begin/start work; touch

dòng jī动机intention

fā shè发射shoot; emit

fā bù发布issue

fā xíng发行publish

fā jué发觉come to know; find

gǔ lǎo古老old


duīpile up; heap

duì yìng对应correspond; corresponding

duì lì对立clash; be in opposition to

fēngboundary; in imperial times, confer upon

gōng zuò rì工作日working day; working hours per day

gōng yì工艺craft; technological process

width of cloth, silk; size

fú dù幅度amplitude; range

gān rǎo干扰disturb; jam

gān cuì干脆clear-cut; just

gān yù干预intervene; interference

guǎng广broad; numerous

guàistrange; wonder at

gǎn xiǎng感想impressions

place a hand on something for support; straighten up

gǎodo; get

gǎi gé改革reform; reformation

fàng dà放大amplify

fàng qì放弃give up

gēng huàn更换change

gēng xīn更新replace; regrow after logging, fire or destruction

fú cóng服从obey


gē qǔ歌曲song

poison; poisonous

gōuditch; groove

gōu tōng沟通link up

fǎ zhì法制legality

fǎ guī法规laws and regulations

dònghole; clear

diàn zǐ bǎn电子版electronic version

diàn chí电池cell

diàn fàn guō电饭锅rice cooker

fēngmad; play wilfully

fēng kuáng疯狂insane

fú lì福利welfare; benefit

fán róng繁荣booming; prosper

punish; punishment

fá kuǎn罚款amercement; impose a fine or forfeit

ěr duo耳朵ear

diào dòng调动transfer; mobilize

gēn qián跟前nearby; time shortly before

gēn suí跟随come after; follower

duǒavoid; go into hiding

fǔ zhù辅助assist; supplementary

fǎn huí返回come/go back

gāng qín钢琴piano

gāng bǐ钢笔pen

fáng zhì防治prevent and cure; prevent and control

fù jiàn附件appendix; enclosure

gé bì隔壁next door

gù wèn顾问consultant

fēng guāng风光scene

fēng dù风度demeanor

gāo yuán高原highland

gāo dà高大tall and big; lofty

gāo dù高度height; a higher degree

gāo wēn高温high-temperature

drum; drum-like

gǔ lì鼓励encourage

gǔ zhǎng鼓掌clap one's hands

dòu zhì pǐn豆制品bean products

fù zé rén负责人person in charge

gāo yú高于exceed

gǎo hǎo搞好do well

gāo gēn xié高跟鞋high-heeled shoes