冲击come under fire; pound against
出入go in and out; inconsistency
出台come up on the stage; appear publicly
出场enter the arena; come on the stage
出行set forth/set out/go on/start on a journey
出访go abroad on an official visit
出面act in one's own capacity or on behalf of an organization; show up
创意bring forth a new idea; original thinking and concept
初等of a simple level; elementary
厂商manufacturer; factories and stores
大力great efforts; energetically
大赛match on a large scale and at a high level
大道main road; way of virtue and justice
常年throughout the year; average year
成achievement; in considerable numbers or amounts
成分ingredient; one's profession or economic status
打发send/dispatch somebody on an errand; dismiss
承诺promise to undertake; a promise to do something
撑support; push or move with a pole
此致I hereby communicate/express...
炒作hype; make profits through speculation
车牌number/licence plate; brand of vehicle
打牌play cards or mahjong; exploit something for one's own ends