New HSK level 789-3

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 3.

zhōng guó huà中国画traditional Chinese painting

zhōng xíng中型medium

zhōng yōng中庸The Doctrine of Mean; the golden mean of the Confucian school

zhōng xìng中性neutral; neuter

zhōng xún中旬middle ten days of a month

zhōng zhǐ中止suspend

zhōng lì中立be neutral

zhōng tú中途halfway

zhǔhost; owner

zhǔ lì主力main force

zhǔ fù主妇housewife

zhǔ quán主权sovereignty

zhǔ biān主编editor in chief; be in charge of editorial work

zhòng cái仲裁arbitrate

zhòng rén众人many people

zhòng zhì chéng chéng众志成城unity is strength

zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī众所周知as everyone knows

zhí qián值钱costly

zhìcut out/off; make

zhì pǐn制品goods

zhì fú制服uniform; bring under control

zhì zhǐ制止prevent

zhì cái制裁punish

zhōu dào周到thoughtful

zhōu mì周密thorough

zhōu xuán周旋circle round; mix with other people

zhōu biān周边neighbouring/surrounding area; periphery

zhì qì志气ambition

zhōng yú忠于loyal to

zhōng shí忠实loyal; true to fact

zhōng chéng忠诚loyal

zhōng zhēn忠贞faithful and staunch

zhí zhào执照license

zhí zhuó执着same as 执著

zhǐ lìng指令instruct; instruction

zhǐ nán指南guidebook

zhǐ nán zhēn指南针compass; guideline

zhǐ xiàng指向point to; directing

zhǐ yǐn指引guide

zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo指手画脚talk with excessive gestures; throw one's weight around

zhǐ jiào指教instruct; give advice

zhǐ wàng指望count on; hope

zhǐ diǎn指点point out; gossip about somebody

zhòu yè昼夜day and night

zhì shāng智商intelligence quotient

zhū hóng朱红vermilion

zhūused for trees; individual plant

zhǐ bù止步halt

zhì xué治学pursue one's studies

zhì hòu滞后lag behind; lag

zhì liú滞留be detained

zhòucrease; wrinkle up

zhí jìng直径diameter

zhí zhì直至until

zhí guān直观directly perceived through the senses

zhí shì直视look straight at; confront

zhí jué直觉intuition

zhí dá直达nonstop

zhǒng zú种族race

zhì xù秩序order

zhì xī窒息suffocate; hinder the development of something

zhú gān竹竿bamboo pole

zhōng shēng终生all one's life

zhōng jiū终究all in all

zhōng jié终结end; come to an end/a close

zhìplace; set up

zhí yè bìng职业病industrial disease

zhí yuán职员functionary

zhí quán职权powers or authority of office

zhǒng liú肿瘤neoplasm

zhì cǐ至此thus; have come this far

zhìextend; cause

zhì shǐ致使result in; so that

zhì mìng致命deadly

zhì fù致富acquire wealth

zhì jìng致敬pay tribute to

zhì cí致辞address

zhōng xīn衷心heartfelt

zhū duō诸多a good deal

zhū rú cǐ lèi诸如此类what not

zhì dì质地quality of a material; character

zhì pǔ质朴plain

zhì yí质疑call in question

zhì wèn质问question

zhú nián逐年on a yearly or annual basis

zhòng rèn重任important task

zhòng shāng重伤severe wound

zhòng chuāng重创inflict heavy casualties on

zhòng xíng重型heavy

zhòng xīn重心centre of mass; median point

zhòng liàng jí重量级heavyweight

zhòu rán骤然suddenly

zhǐ zài旨在be aimed at

zhǐ xuè止血stop bleeding

zhì yù治愈cure/heal somebody of something

zhí bèn直奔make a beeline for

zhì guān zhòng yào至关重要essential

zhǐ ké止咳relieve a cough

zhì lì yú致力于be devoted to

zhòng zhōng zhī zhòng重中之重top priority