NPCR Textbook 6

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in New Practical Chinese 6.

yī qí一齐at the same time

wàn yī万一one in ten thousand; eventuality

zhōng nián中年middle age

jǔ rén举人successful candidate in the provincial imperial examinations in the Ming and Qing dynasties

yě xǔ也许perhaps

shū jí书籍works

réng jiù仍旧remain the same; still

cóngfollow; join

rèn wù任务task

tōu tōu mō mō偷偷摸摸furtive

tōu qiè偷窃steal

zhào tou兆头sign

put forth; protrude

mài zhǔ卖主seller

fā hūn发昏faint; lose one's head

fā xiào发笑laugh

kě lián可怜pity; meagre

tàn qì叹气sigh

hé jiā合家whole/entire family

pǐn xíng品行behaviour

dà shào ye大少爷eldest son; dandy

shī zōng失踪be missing

hǎo xiào好笑funny; laughable

dìng rán定然definitely

jiāng yào将要be going to

nián guān年关the end of the year

xìng ér幸而luckily

dǐ xia底下beneath; afterwards

yǐndraw a bow; stretch out

jí zào急躁irritable; impetuous

qiè nuò怯懦timid and weak

gōng wéi恭维flatter

kěn qiè恳切earnest

wǎn xī惋惜sympathetic

exceed; the more... the more...

huāngflurried; unbearably

lǎnlazy; sluggish

fú pín扶贫alleviate poverty

chāocopy; plagiarize

shésnap; lose money

tuō qiàn拖欠be in arrears

zhǐ tou指头finger; toe

zhǐ jia指甲nail

tí chàng提倡advocate

yáo tóu摇头shake one's head

xié shè斜射shine obliquely; oblique fire

xiǎo de晓得know

zàn shí暂时for the time being

fú biàn服辩written confession

zhèng hǎo正好just in time; happen to

měi měi每每often

háofine long hair; writing brush

mǎn yuè满月be one month old; full moon

fánrestless; be tired of

rè xīn热心enthusiastic; be warm-hearted

shuǎng zhí爽直frank

xiàn qián现钱ready money

lǐ huì理会understand; pay attention to

shēng qì生气take offence;life

lüè lüè略略slightly

dí què的确indeed

zháo huāng着慌get nervous

yàninkstone; term derived from the fact that classmates sharing the same desk oft. shared their writing brushes and inkslabs

dié zi碟子small plate

lì lùn立论present one's arguments

duān wǔ端午Dragon Boat Festival

děng jí等级grade; social estate/stratum/status

zhǐ zhāng纸张paper

zhàocover; shade

lǎo ye老爷bureaucrat; used by a servant to address their master

nài fán耐烦patient

pí qi脾气temperament; bad temper

zì sī zì lì自私自利egoistic

yíng sheng营生job

zhàndip in

tǎorule; send armed forces to suppress

tǎo fàn讨饭beg for food

jiǎng táng讲堂classroom; hall for preaching Buddhist doctrines

xǔ jiǔ许久a long time

tán tiān谈天chat

tán lùn谈论discuss

zé bèi责备reproach

fàn zi贩子trader

pèijoin in marriage; spouse

zhōng biǎo钟表clocks and watches

jiàn huò间或occasionally

mēn rè闷热muggy

yīn chén阴沉cloudy

yù bèi预备prepare; preparatory

rú shì如是as is

huí xiāng dòu茴香豆broad beans flavored with aniseed

xiā cāi瞎猜a shot in the dark

cǎo tóu草头toothed burclover

jìn xué进学pass the lowest level of civil examinations

duō hū zāi多乎哉not many

fěn bǎn粉板tally board

kuàng shang矿上mine

nǚ xià rén女下人maid

xǔ huǎng许谎lie

yǎn jìng quān眼镜圈frame of glasses