NPCR Textbook 6

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in New Practical Chinese 6.

bù xiè不屑disdain to do something; be disdainful

wéi nán为难feel embarrassed; make things difficult for

zhǔ gù主顾customer

zhī hū zhě yě之乎者也archaism

luàn péng péng乱蓬蓬jumbled

zhēng biàn争辩argue

qīnparents; relative

qīn rè亲热affectionate; show love through action

zhòng rén众人many people

shāng bā伤疤scar; errors, secrets and humiliation of the past

shāng hén伤痕scar; psychological trauma

shì hòu侍候attend

shǎfoolish; having a one-track mind

yǔn xǔ允许allow

gōng lù公路road

píng kōng凭空groundlessly

xiōnginauspicious; famine

chū shì出事have an accident

fā jiào发酵ferment

hōng xiào哄笑burst into laughter

láo dao唠叨be garrulous

èngused to express approval

zuǐmouth; something like a mouth

rǎngshout; bawl

dì yù地域region; locality

tán zi坛子earthen jar

shēng qì声气information; voice

fù yuán复原recover from an illness; restore

dà qián大钱old Chinese coin of a higher denomination than common coins; big/heavy/important money

shīlose; miss

shī zhí失职fail in one's duty

xìng kuī幸亏luckily

dǐ lǐ底里inside story

yǐn dé引得index

dàng zhēn当真take seriously; really

wēi shēng wù微生物microbe

kuài huo快活cheerful

shǒu bèi手背back of a hand

pī zhǔn批准approve

lāoscoop up from a liquid; get by improper means

zhǎng guì掌柜manager of a store/shop; landlord

jiē lián接连connect; on end


miáo hóng描红trace in black ink; sheet/book printed with red characters

wò quán握拳close a fist

gù yì故意deliberately

sǎn jià散架fall apart; dissolve

páng rén旁人bystanders

wú liáo无聊dull; senseless

shí cháng时常frequently

hūn mí昏迷be comatose

declining; take the place of

mú yàng模样appearance; about

zhàngswell after absorbing water, etc.; be swelled by a rush of blood

tiān jiā添加add

qīng bái清白pure; clear

mǎn kǒu满口whole mouth; pure

hěn xīn狠心harden one's heart; firm decision

cāi xiǎng猜想suppose; conjecture

hóu zi猴子monkey

scar; something that resembles a scar

hénmark of a wound; trace

zhòu wén皱纹wrinkle

jiān dū监督supervise; supervisor

shěng de省得so as to avoid/save


shén qì神气expression; spirited

xiù cai秀才xiucai; skilful writer

qièsteal; thief

lóngcage; steamer

jīnmuscle; tendon

chuò hào绰号nickname


stop; dismiss

zhì biàn置辩argue

bèi dì li背地里on the sly

hú zi胡子beard; bandit

liǎn sè脸色complexion; facial expression

zhì jīn至今so far

yǎoscoop up

huā bái花白grey

yào jǐn要紧important; critical

jǐng guān警官police officer

shēn cái身材figure

cí tuì辞退discharge; decline politely

niàng zào酿造brew; gestate

xiàn zhì限制restrict; confinement

qīng jīn青筋blue veins

tuí táng颓唐dejected; declining

éforehead; top part of something

huáng jiǔ黄酒yellow rice or millet wine

wēn jiǔ温酒warm wine; lukewarm wine

chē líng车铃bell

chē zhá车闸brake

miáo hóng zhǐ描红纸paper with characters printed with a dotted red outline

chán jiā缠夹bother

jiàn tou荐头employment agent

qīng bái青白pale

jūn zǐ gù qióng君子固穷a true gentlemen maintains his dignity in poverty

yuán chǎn dì yù原产地域place of origin